7 juillet 2023
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

List of Speakers

Name: Mark Allen, ESCAPE Virtual Observatory (VO) Working Group leader

Bio: Mark Allen is the Director of the Strasbourg Astronomical Data Centre (Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg). He obtained his PhD in Astronomy and Astrophysics from the Australian National University in 1998. After a postdoctoral position at the Space Telescope Science Institute (1998-2001) he joined the Observatoire de Strasbourg, and became a research scientist in the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) in 2004. His scientific interests are the use of e-Infrastructures for advancing astronomy, and also the astrophysical processes associated with black holes at the centres of galaxies - Active Galactic Nuclei. He has served as the Chair of the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA, 2017-19). Within ESCAPE, he leads the Work Package 4 Connecting ESFRI Project to EOSC through Virtual Observatory Framework.

Institute: cds.u-strasbg.fr


Name: Ian Bird, ESCAPE Technical Coordinator

Bio: Dr. Ian Bird is an experienced Senior Staff Scientist with a demonstrated history of working in the research industry. He has strong research professional skilled in Distributed Grid and Cloud Computing, Collaborative Leadership, Scientific Computing, High Performance Computing (HPC), and Particle Physics. Ian is ESCAPE Technical Coordinator and Senior Scientist at LAPP.

Institute: https://lapp.in2p3.fr/ 


Name: Elena Cuoco, ESCAPE TSP Extreme Universe coordinator

Designation: Head of Data Science Office at European Gravitational Observatory (EGO) and since March 2018 Associate Faculty at Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS). Action chair of COST action CA17137, former ESCAPE GA chair. Dr Cuoco is a physicist expert in signal processing, data analysis and machine learning. She is part of LIGO/Virgo collaboration since many years contributing to data analysis of Gravitational Wave detectors. A breakthrough prize laureate in 2017. She coordinates the ESCAPE TSP Extreme Universe.

Institute:  www.ego-gw.it/


Name: Caterina Doglioni, ESCAPE TSP Dark Matter coordinator

Bio: Caterina is a professor at the University of Manchester (joint with Lund University), and a member of the ATLAS Collaboration at the LHC.  She searches for new physics phenomena that can be produced in proton-proton collisions, motivated by the presence of dark matter in our universe. Caterina works on the  REALDARK (previously: DARKJETS) ERC project together with post-doctoral researchers and students, looking to understand the nature of dark matter and discover dark sectors. She is particularly interested in how different dark matter experiments can complement each other towards a discovery. I also coordinate the SMARTHEP network on real-time analysis, machine learning and hybrid computing infrastructures.
Institute: https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/ 


Name: Xavier Espinal, ESCAPE Data Infrastructure for Open Science (DIOS) Working Group leader

Bio: Xavier obtained his PhD in Physics in Barcelona within the K2K long baseline neutrino experiment (Japan). In 2005, Xavier joined PIC, the Spanish Tier-1 center for LHC computing, and the ATLAS experiment collaboration where has started his career in scientific computing. Xavier held several roles in disributed operations, data processing and data management activities during the deployment and operation phase of the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid.
He joined CERN as staff member in 2012 where he was Service Manager of the CERN Large Scale Storage Services (>100PB of disk and >300PB of tape storage at the time). During this period, he was the CERN-IT liaision with the fixed-target and neutrino experiments at CERN. Xavier is currently co-coordinating the WLCG project on Storage Consolidation, Datalakes and Data Access to address the future High Luminosoty LHC computing challenges. Xavier is leading the ESCAPE Work Package responsible to deploy a prototype Data Infrastructure for Open Science.

Institute:  www.cern.ch


Name: Kay Graf, ESCAPE Open-source scientific Software and Service Repository (OSSR) Working Group leader

Bio: Kay is senior researcher at the Erlangen Centre for Astroparticle Physics (ECAP) at the University of Erlangen, Germany (FAU) and the general manager there. His research is in the field of astroparticle physics spanning the high-energy physics and astrophysics communities. In addition, he has a long history in software development, coordination and maintenance as the computing and software coordinator for the KM3NeT neutrino experiment, an ESFRI.
Kay was a member of the EOSC Architecture Working Group and is of the EOSC Association task force Infrastructure for Quality Reaserch Software, primarily in regards to his work within the EOSC cluster project ESCAPE - where he coordinates the work package on an open science software and service repository (OSSR). OSSR is a sustainable open-access repository to share scientific software and services to the science community and enable open science. It will house astro-particle-physics-related scientific software and services for data processing and analysis, as well as test data sets, user-support documentation, tutorials, presentations and training activities.

Institute:  www.fau.eu


Name: Giovanni Lamanna, ESCAPE Open Collaboration Coordinator

Bio: Giovanni Lamanna holds an experimental sub-nuclear physics PhD and he is a researcher at CNRS in France since 2003. Giovanni Lamanna took office as director of the LAPP laboratory in 2015.
His main research interests are in the interfaces between Particle Physics and Astrophysics, on fundamental subjects such as dark-matter search, matter-antimatter asymmetry problem, cosmic-rays origin and high- energy phenomena in the Universe. His experimental activities concern the development of advanced research instrumentation and data processing methods.
Giovanni contributions are in the context of large international collaborations such as CMS, AMS, ANTARES, H.E.S.S., CTA and FCC. He is author/co-author of more than 250 scientific publications, proceeding of conferences, technical reports. 
Giovanni Lamanna has been involved in the conception and preparation of the CTA Observatory, serving as coordinator of the Data-Management project, and having a leading role in the design and construction of the first Large Size Telescope (LST-1) deployed at La Palma Island. 
He provided several contributions in the combined context of « Research, Data, Algorithms and Computing » for particle and astroparticle physics on issues concerning optimal and efficient large-scale data analysis and data management. Giovanni is the coordinator of the H2020 ESCAPE project.
Giovanni is concerned and active in the context of science and technological innovation policy for society. 
Institute: lapp.in2p3.fr


Name: Stephen Serjeant, ESCAPE Citizen Science (CS) Working Group leader

Bio: Stephen Serjeant is an Open University's Professor of Astronomy, specializing in extragalactic surveys of star-forming galaxies, strong gravitational lensing, infrared astronomy, crowdsourced data mining and machine learning. He leads the Engagement and Communication  work package of the H2020 ESCAPE project, building citizen science into  the European Open Science Cloud, having led the equivalent work package in the ASTERICS multi-messenger astronomy H2020 project. He has consulted on many BBC television series, including  Stargazing Live, Bang Goes The Theory, and the 2021 BBC series on  astronomy, Universe. Previously he was Head of Astronomy Discipline at  the Open University (2010-2016) and he has worked at the University of  Kent and Imperial College, following his doctorate  at New College Oxford and first class honours degree from Bristol University. 
Institute: www.open.ac.uk