22 juin 2023
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris


I will review the status in the measurements of ultra-high energy cosmic rays with an emphasis on the results from Pierre Auger Observatory and Telescope Array. After a brief introduction on the main questions in ultra-high energy cosmic rays,  I will focus on the five sigma determinations, covering the anisotropies, the spectral features, constrains on the hadronic interaction models and the mass composition. The second part of this seminar will address the status of the upgrade of the Pierre Auger Observatory and the future five sigmas in an optimistic prediction  over the next 30 years.

IP2I seminars are open to all UCBL and CNRS students and collaborators. 

More information on seminars: https://intranet.ip2i.in2p3.fr/vie-scientifique/seminaires-ip2i

IP2I agenda: https://www.ip2i.in2p3.fr/agendav2/


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Amphi Dirac