Présidents de session
- Chiara Filomena Lastoria
- Chiara Filomena Lastoria
KM3NeT/ORCA is a large-volume water-Cherenkov neutrino detector, under construction at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea at a depth of 2450 meters. The main research goal of ORCA is the measurement of the neutrino mass ordering and the atmospheric neutrino oscillation parameters. Additionally, the detector is also sensitive to a wide variety of phenomena including non-standard neutrino...
The KM3NeT experiment is a next-generation neutrino telescope, consisting of two separate detection structures, organised as arrays of light sensors, and immersed in the depths of the Mediterranean Sea. The two detectors are the Oscillation Research with Cosmics in the Abyss (ORCA detector), located off the coast of France and the Astrophysics Research with Cosmics in the Abyss (ARCA...
Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is a next generation long-baseline neutrino experiment in the United States.
Its main goal is to make precise measurements of neutrino oscillation parameters and to discover the neutrino mass ordering and CP violation phase in the leptonic sector.
The experiment is made of two elements: the near detector close to neutrino beam source and the far...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is a long baseline neutrino experiment under construction that aims to address the main open questions in neutrino physics such as the ordering of the mass hierarchy and the precise measurement of the neutrino oscillation parameters, including the charge-parity violation phase to determine the existence (or not) of the CP-violation in the...
The XENON program aims to directly detect dark matter. As dark matter interacts very weakly, the sensitivity of dark matter experiments has greatly increased over the last two decades. XENONnT, the current XENON detector should be able to study solar neutrinos. This detector is designed to be sensitive to low-energy nuclear recoils which is the expected signal from some dark matter candidates....