22–28 oct. 2023
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Calibration and data reconstruction for the Virgo interferometer : how to compute the data reconstruction uncertainty

26 oct. 2023, 16:30
Astroparticle Astroparticle




Virgo is a gravitational wave detector located near Pisa in Italy. It is composed of a Fabry-Perot Michelson Interferometer and allows to detect gravitational wave passing through it using the interference dark fringe signal going out of the interferometer.
Virgo is an instrument that needs to be controlled and calibrated with great accuracy in order to achieve the precision required to detect further and further gravitational waves sources.
In this talk I'll describe the calibration process of the Virgo interferometer as well as how the calibration is linked to the data reconstruction and its uncertainty computation.

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