Hautes Energies

Mini Primordial Black Hole Archaeology: Observing High-Energy BSM Theories using Laboratory Searches and Cosmological Data (Lucien Heurtier)

par Lucien Heurtier (IPPP, Durham)

Amphi Grunewald (Bat 25)

Amphi Grunewald

Bat 25


Light primordial black holes - formed shortly after the end of cosmic inflation - contain crucial information regarding the evolution of the early Universe and the existence of high-energy BSM theories involving, for instance, extra dimensions or supersymmetric theories. Depending on their masses and spins, these black holes can evaporate via Hawking radiation at different times throughout cosmic history, leaving various traces in cosmological data that may become measurable soon. In this talk, I will introduce general aspects of primordial black hole phenomenology and discuss how one can search for imprints of their early evaporation using cosmic microwave background measurements, large-scale structure surveys, dark-matter direct detection, or gravitational wave observatories.