Euro-VO mini-Technology Forum 2023



Dave Morris, Hendrik Heinl, Marco Molinaro (INAF), Mark Allen (CDS/CNRS)


The Euro VO Mini Technology Forum 2023 will focus on the topic of Science platforms


The Mini Tech Forum is meant to prepare the European partners for the IVOA Interoperability meeting in Bologna in May 2023. 

The IVOA activities of 2023 will have a strong focus on Science Platforms, and we would like to get together VO experts with Science Platform developers to: 

  • Get an overview on the experience on working towards Science Platforms and their relation to Virtual Observatory. 
  • Identify user cases and demands towards interoperability in the context of Science Platforms.
  • Prepare input to the IVOA on Science Platforms.

Location and Schedule

The meeting will be a one afternoon on-line event.

The schedule is included below.  


Please indicate whether you will attend by registering.

We hope to have a few contributed ~20 min presentations. These can be proposed in the registration form, and we also encourage you to propose discussion topics. Topics can of course be decided on-the-spot in the meeting according to the needs.


The next IVOA Interop meeting in Bologna, May 2023::


  • Andre Schaaff
  • Baptiste Cecconi
  • Carlos Rodrigo Blanco
  • Dave Morris
  • Enrique Solano
  • FX Pineau
  • Hendrik Heinl
  • John Swinbank
  • Marco Molinaro
  • Mark Allen
  • Mathieu Servillat
  • Matthias Fuessling
  • Mireille LOUYS
  • Patricia Cruz
  • Pedro Mas Buitrago
  • Raquel Murillo-Ojeda
  • Sara Bertocco
    • 13:45 15:00
      Welcome and Science Platforms I
      • 14:00
        Welcome 10m
        Orateur: Dr Mark Allen (CDS/CNRS)
      • 14:10
        Update on the IVOA Interop Sessions related to Science Platform 10m

        At the IVOA Interop meeting in Bologna in May 2023 we will have two dedicated Plenaries on Science Platforms, but also other WGs and IGs will focus on this topic.
        Dave will give us an overview on what is planned so far.

        Orateur: Dave Morris (University of Edinburgh)
      • 14:20
        Jupyter Notebooks for Science Platforms 10m

        Jupyter Notebooks are very popular to bring user code close to data on services. Here I want to present some of the pros and cons of using Jupyter Notebooks on Science Platforms

        Orateur: Hendrik Heinl (CDS/ObAS)
      • 14:30
        What is a Science Platform ? 10m

        A bit of a provoking title, Dave is introducing to the suprisingly vague term Science Platform and give us a good start to a discussion.

        Orateur: Dave Morris (University of Edinburgh)
    • 15:00 15:20
      Coffee Break
    • 15:20 16:20
      Science Platforms II and Open Discussion