15 mars 2023
GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
Fuseau horaire Europe/Berlin

Local Participation and Accommodation


The conference will be held at GSI

GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH  
Planckstraße 1  
64291 Darmstadt  

See the detailed description at the website.

Important Notes

  • There is a deadline for local participation: 2023-03-01
  • The conference room limits the amount of local participants. You have to register.
  • Anybody not registered (until the deadline) with their full name will not be able to enter the campus / building due to local regulations!
  • See the detailed description of Access Regulation to the GSI/FAIR Campus
  • Note that you will also need a passport / ID card to enter the campus at the gate


If you want to arrive the day before or leave the day after the conference: We have blocked a limited amount of guest rooms on the campus from 2023-03-14 to 2023-03-16. Prices start at 34 € per night. You can read more here. You're of course free to organize something else on your own.

To reserve a room at the guesthouse:

  • Go to the registration website
  • Fill in the required details.
    • GSI House: "GSI Guesthouse"
    • GSI / FAIR Department: "IT (CIT)"
    • Purpose of visit: "Other"
    • Other purposes: "ESCAPE-WP3"
    • GSI contact person: "Christian Tacke"