10–14 juil. 2023
Fuseau horaire Asia/Hong_Kong


Registration at CWAN'23 must be done in two steps :

1- First pre-register by using the "Pre-registration form" link on the left menu of this page. This step provides the "Indico" account which is necessary to register to the conference.

2- You register on the payment interface (https://indico.impcas.ac.cn/event/32). This step is only for the participants who will come to Huizhou. Remote participants may skip this step.

The conference fee of 400 Euros covers participation to the meeting, dinners and lunches from Sunday 9th  evening to Friday 14th evening, the refreshments at the coffee breaks,  the visit at HIAF and touristic tour, and the conference gadgets.

There is no conference fee for the partcipants who will join the conference remotely.

Please go through the "Call for abstracts" menu in order to send your abstract.