LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) is a direct dark matter detection experiment currently operating at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in Lead, South Dakota. It uses the world’s largest dual-phase xenon time projection chamber, with 7 tonnes of active xenon, primarily to look for dark matter in the form of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs). LZ has released its first WIMP search...
A rich number of astrophysical and cosmological observations indicate the existence of a massive, non-luminous and non-baryonic matter component which is commonly referred to as dark matter (DM). One well motivated class of DM are weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) which arise naturally from several beyond-Standard-model theories.
The XENON dark matter project aims for the direct...
Directional detection is the only admitted strategy for the unambiguous identification of galactic Dark Matter (DM) even in the presence of an irreducible background. The directional detection strategy relies on the simultaneous measurements of the energy and the direction of a DM-induced nuclear recoil, and on the correlation of the recoil direction with the expected incoming WIMPs direction....
Inflation is now very well motivated because it can solve many issues of the Big Bang scenario. Specific models of inflation can be tested by observations, most notably by the CMB anisotropy power spectrum. I will present results on (dark) matter production in the late time evolution of this inflationary field usually called "reheating", and the challenges to probe these mechanisms. Especially...
In the general Two-Higgs Doublet Model it has been shown that the Higgs potential can be expressed in terms of gauge-independent quantities. In particular, stability, electroweak symmetry breaking, and CP symmetry can be understood in a concise way, avoiding unphysical gauge degrees of freedom. In a recent work, arXiv:2208.13179, we have completed this program showing how all the masses, the...
We introduce a methodology and investigate the feasibility of measuring quantum properties of tau lepton pairs in the $H \to \tau^+ \tau^-$ decay at future lepton colliders.
In particular, observation of entanglement, steerability and violation of Bell inequalities are examined for the ILC and FCC-ee.
We calculate total and differential cross sections for the pair production, at the Large Hadron Collider, of exotic leptons that could emerge from models with vector-like leptons and in Type-III seesaw scenarios. Our predictions include next-to-leading-order QCD corrections, and we subsequently match them with either parton showers, or threshold resummation at the next-to-next-to-leading...
The separation of scales in effective field theories is essential for studying the low-energy phenomenology of BSM models. An effective theory, containing only light degrees of freedom, can be obtained from an underlying UV theory by integrating out heavy states using path integral techniques, ensuring that both theories describe the same low-energy dynamics. It is important to perform this...
We present an updated global SMEFT analysis in the Top sector using the SFitter framework which focuses on a comprehensive treatment of uncertainties. We make use of a newly implemented marginalization procedure which allows for comparisons between profiling and marginalization methods. In addition, two top measurements included in the fit are updated using likelihoods made publicly available...
Measuring the Higgs boson couplings with an increasing precision is an indirect probe of new physics scenarios. In this talk, I will discuss how observing loop-induced deviations to hWW and hZZ couplings via new vectorlike leptons close to the weak scale can be used to deduce an upper bound on the mass scale of new bosons. This is an interesting example where observing a deviation to the...
The axion couplings and their relation to quantum anomalies are discussed.
I comment on a puzzling non-decoupling effect and its consequences.
In this talk I will review the physics case of a high energy muon collider for the exploration of new physics with particular focus on Higgs boson physics, top quark physics and dark matter. I will discuss the role of a high energy muon collider in the landscape of future experiment to probe new physics in the next decades.
Presentation of the new vesrion of SUSPECT3 (v3.1.1) described in "SuSpect3: A C++ Code for the Supersymmetric and Higgs Particle Spectrum of the MSSM"
I will present recent developments in SModelS, in particular the update of the database with the latest available experimental results for full Run-2 luminosity, the interface to the new statistical package Spey, and the statistical combination of analyses. The latter allows one to increase the robustness of the statistically inferred constraints. To demonstrate the physics impact, I will use...
The ability to reuse published experimental results -- for instance reinterpretations in the context of alternative models, or combinations of multiple results -- is crucial to searches for new phenomena in high energy physics. The information that is made public, typically best-fit values, uncertainties and covariance matrices, is often insufficient to fully carry out this program, in...
Full statistical models encapsulate the complete information of an experimental result, including the likelihood function given observed data. Their proper publication is of vital importance for a long lasting legacy of the LHC. Major steps have been taken towards this goal; a notable example being ATLAS release of statistical models with the pyhf framework. However, even the likelihoods are...
I discussed some issues that arise when using Machine Learning as an inference tool in the particular context of the determination of parton distributions. Problems I address include: how do we know that the ML model generalizes correctly? Can we detect overlearning? Can we assign an uncertainty to the ML model predictions, and can we validate this assignment?