2:00 PM
Precision predictions for exotic lepton production at the Large Hadron Collider
Yehudi Simon
(LPTHE - Sorbonne Université)
2:20 PM
Functional one-loop matching of effective field theories
Felix Wilsch
(University of Zurich)
2:40 PM
Towards a combined global SMEFT fit: Using likelihood analyses in the Top and Higgs sector
Nikita Schmal
(ITP, Heidelberg University)
3:00 PM
Higgs Couplings to Weak Gauge Bosons: Probing 2 New Physics Scales at Once!
Florian Nortier
(IPhT (CEA Paris-Saclay))
3:20 PM
Muon(ium) g-2
Cedric Delaunay