Présidents de session
High Energy Astrophysics & Particle Physics
- Masahiro TESHIMA (University of Tokyo) (Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, The University of Tokyo)
Observations of very-high-energy (above a few tens of GeV) gamma rays from the universe play an important role to deepen our understanding of physics in extreme environments and of fundamental physics. MAGIC is a system of two 17-m diameter imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes and provides a broad energy coverage, detecting gamma rays from 50 GeV and up to 100 TeV. In this contribution, I...
A decade has passed since high-energy astrophysical neutrinos have
been discovered by IceCube, although their progenitors are not yet
fully known. The reported coincidence of the high-energy IceCube-170922A with the gamma-ray blazar TXS 0506+056 has not definitively proven that these type of sources are the dominant high-energy neutrino emitters in the Universe.
In fact, IceCube recently...
Preparations of a new experiment which aims to measure the muon’s anomalous magnetic moment (g−2) and its electric dipole moment (EDM) at the J-PARC muon facility at MLF, MUSE, are underway.
Apart from conventional experimental method as E821(BNL) or E989(FNAL), dedicated muon beam line, we have developed a brand-new experimental method, and we expect the sensitivity goal is 0.46 parts per...
The COMET experiment aims at searching for a conversion of the muon to the electron without emission of the neutrinos. The process is strongly suppressed in the Standard Model of the Particle Physics (SM) and its discovery is a proof of the physics beyond SM. The construction and commissioning of the COMET experiment is ongoing at J-PARC. The proton beam acceleration and the extraction were...
FASER, the ForwArd Search ExpeRiment, is an LHC experiment located 480 m downstream of the ATLAS interaction point, along the beam collision axis. FASER and its sub-detector FASERnu have two physics goals: (1) to detect and study TeV-energy neutrinos, the most energetic neutrinos ever detected from a human-made source, and (2) to search for new light and very weakly-interacting particles....
In particle physics, the Standard Model (SM) makes extremely accurate predictions, but experimental and observational results suggest the existence of physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM). For example, the SM cannot explain the baryon number asymmetry because the CP violation in the SM is very small. Therefore, the BSM must have more CP-violating sources than the SM.
We have developed a...
Recently, several measurement results suggesting a violation of lepton universality in B meson decays have been published, attracting attention as possible evidence of a new physics.
In the PIONEER experiment , the charged pion decay π+ → e+ν will precisely be measured to obtain the decay ratio Re/μ = B(π+ → e+ν)/B(π+ → μ+ν) with an accuracy of 0.01%, which is an order of magnitude better...
With the help of the exact seesaw formula and a complete Euler-like parametrization of the (3+3) active-sterile neutrino mixing, we establish the most explicit connection between the 18 original seesaw parameters and the 9 derivational parameters associated with the light Majorana neutrinos. Then we explore how thermal leptogenesis responsible for the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the...
Many new physics models predict the existence of new, heavy particles. This talk summarizes recent ATLAS and CMS searches for Beyond-the-Standard-Model heavy resonances which decay to pairs of bosons, heavy quarks, or leptons, using Run 2 data collected at the LHC. The experimental methods are explained, including the jet substructure techniques used in some searches to disentangle the...
The Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB collider has now collected approximately 400 million bottom-antibottom meson pairs at the Y(4S) resonance. We report a selection of recent results in bottom, charm and tau-lepton physics that probe non-standard-model dynamics and refine our understanding of the electroweak and strong interactions.
We present updated LHC limits on the minimal universal extra dimensions (MUED) model from the Run 2 searches. We scan the parameter space against a number of searches implemented in the public code CheckMATE and derive up-to-date limits on the MUED parameter space from 13 TeV searches. The strongest constraints come from a search dedicated to squarks and gluinos with one isolated lepton, jets...
Measurements of Standard Model (SM) processes at the LHC range from the production of jets and photons, or precision measurements with single W and Z bosons, to measurements of rare multiboson processes that only recently became experimentally accessible. In this talk, recent measurements of such processes from the ATLAS and CMS collaborations are presented. They are used to determine...
Persistent anomalies reported by various experiments in $b \to c$ and $b \to s \ell \ell$ transitions hint at possible violation of lepton-flavor universality. The Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB collider probes the relevant effects using observables complementary to those explored elsewhere. This talk reports recent results from a sensitive search for $B^+ \to K^+ \nu \bar \nu$ decays,...
The ATLAS and CMS experiments has collected large datasets for B meson quarkonia production and decay. Recent results in this field from CMS and ATLAS are presented.
On overview of the status of LHC measurements of the standard model Higgs boson and top quark sectors is presented, with focus on the most recent results.
The large-hadron collider (LHC) provides a valuable opportunity to directly search for new physics signals from proton-proton collisions at TeV energy scale. This talk gives an overview of the recent searches for new physics that leave experimentally challenging signatures such as long-lived new particles, performed by ATLAS and CMS collaborations. Given that no clear indication of new physics...