Présidents de session
- Michel GONIN (ILANCE) (IN2P3-University of Tokyo-ILANCE)
Within the context of the ongoing Super-Kamiokande experiment, and in preparation for the Hyper-Kamiokande experiment, I will present a new paradigm to reconstruct Cherenkov rings events inside water detectors viewed by photo-sensors. Using concepts from information theory, an environment for reinforcement learning can be set to classify the recorded hits of an event, similarly to ranking and...
The HKROC ASIC was originally designed to readout the photomultiplier tubes for the Hyper-Kamiokande experiment. HKROC is an innovative ASIC capable of readout a large number of channels satisfying stringent requirements in terms of noise, speed and dynamic range.
Each HKROC channel features a low-noise preamplifier and shapers, a 10-bit successive approximation Analog-to-Digital Converter...
We study the effects of new physics on several measures of quantum correlations in the context of neutrino oscillating systems for a number of accelerator and reactor experimental set-ups. Non-local correlations are generally measured in terms of Bell's inequality parameter. Recently, it was shown that the non-local advantage of quantum coherence (NAQC) is a stronger measure of non-locality as...
LEGEND (Large Enriched Germanium Experiment for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay) is an experimental program with a goal to search for the hypothesised neutrinoless double beta decay of Ge-76. If discovered, neutrinoless double-beta decay would be an evidence of lepton number violation, Majorana nature of neutrinos and will open a window for the broad study of neutrinos and symmetries of our...
Over the last decades, Inverse Beta Decay (IBD) antineutrino experiments conducted at short and long baselines from nuclear reactors have revealed significant discrepancies on both the rate and shape of measured spectra compared to state-of-the-art predictions. No evidence for an experimental bias has been detected, and the sterile neutrino interpretation of the reactor antineutrino anomaly...
The Super-Kamiokande experiment, with its 50 ktons gadolinium-loaded water Čerenkov detector, is expected to be one of the main neutrino detectors for the detection of neutrino bursts from galactic supernovae (SN). Main signals from SN neutrino bursts in a water Čerenkov detector are for ~90% inverse β decay (IBD) reactions, and for ~5% electron scattering (ES) interactions, which provides the...
The European Spallation Source 5 MW proton linac will be the world’s most powerful accelerator, enabling the production of the world’s most intense neutron flux. The proton driver can also be used to produce a very intense neutrino beam for CP violation discovery and measurement in the leptonic sector, very important for the understanding of matter-antimatter asymmetry in the Universe. During...
Neutrino oscillation physics has now entered the precision era. In parallel with needing larger detectors to collect more data, future experiments further require a significant reduction of systematic uncertainties with respect to what is currently available. In the neutrino oscillation measurements from the T2K experiment the systematic uncertainties related to neutrino interaction cross...
We report on our recent studies of symmetry in neutrinos using the neutrino beam at J-PARC. We are working on the J-PARC accelerator, the T2K neutrino oscillation experiment, and the NINJA experiment. We study the fundamental symmetry of neutrinos by combining all our efforts to improve the accelerator beam, understand neutrino interactions, and precisely measure neutrino oscillation...
We are developing new techniques using noble gas detectors with the aim of overcoming the current limitations in the search for the neutrinoless double beta decay(0νββ).
The 0νββ occurs only if the neutrino is a Majorana type. And whether neutrinos are Majorana particles or not is a key problem to understand why neutrinos are so light and whether neutrinos are the reason why the universe is...
We studied various kinds of natural neutrinos produced in the atmosphere and stars, including the sun and supernova, to understand the nature of neutrinos using Super-Kamiokande (SK). Recently, we upgraded the SK detector, and now we can identify neutrons with high efficiency with the help of the introduced gadolinium. We are also searching for proton decay with SK. Proton decay is one of the...
We report on the nuclear emulsion production facility and several neutrino and related experiments using nuclear emulsion produced at the facility. NINJA: neutrino study in GeV and sub GeV energy range at J-PARC, DsTau: tau neutrino production study in CERN SPS 400 GeV proton interactions, FASERnu and SND at LHC: high energy neutrino production/interaction study in forward from LHC...
The goal of the C01 group is to propose new ideas for models that solve unsolved problems of the Standard Model, with particular attention to symmetry. With those new ideas, we aim to expand the range of new physics that can be explored in neutrino physics. In this talk, I will report on our recent activities, including new ideas for Grand Unified Theory, dark matter models, and magnetic monopoles.
In this talk, we will present the recent results from the IceCube collaboration and discuss the exploration of physics beyond the standard model using the cubic-kilometer scale neutrino observatory. The energy range of detection, from GeV to EeV, enables searches and measurements in various areas such as neutrino oscillation, dark matter, neutrino cross-sections, and the production and...
We report on our theoretical studies of neutrino physics. Neutrino physics is a key to clarifying the new physics beyond the standard model. In this talk, we will review our recent study on new analysis of neutrino oscillation and charged lepton flavor violation, new approach for the neutrino mass model, and also new models for lepton/baryon number violation by the C02 group in Grant-in-Aid...
We report on our recent research on cosmic microwave background observations (CMB) and development toward future experiments. We pursue new CMB measurements using POLARBEAR/Simons Array and GroundBIRD experiments. We also conduct research and development for next-generation CMB experiments in the areas of superconducting detectors and their readout, microwave optical elements, and analysis...
Geoneutrinos are antineutrinos originating from the radioactive decays of long-lived isotopes naturally present in the crust and mantle. Geoneutrinos can be used as a unique direct probe in order to determine the amount of long-lived radioactive elements inside our planet and to constrain the radiogenic contribution to the terrestrial heat. Up to date, only two experiments in the world,...