Présidents de session
Session: Welcome
- Il n'a pas de président de session pour ce bloc
Session: I
- Mamoru DOI (University of Tokyo) (University of Tokyo)
Session: I
- Mamoru DOI (University of Tokyo) (University of Tokyo)
Session: II
- Armand FIASSON (LAPP - IN2P3) (LAPP - Annecy)
Session: II
- Armand FIASSON (LAPP - IN2P3) (LAPP - Annecy)
Session: III
- Tsuyoshi NAKAYA (University of Kyoto) (University of Kyoto)
Session: III
- Tsuyoshi NAKAYA (University of Kyoto) (University of Kyoto)
Session: IV
Session: IV
Session: V
- Christophe BRONNER (University of Tokyo)
Session: V
- Christophe BRONNER (University of Tokyo)
Session: VI
- Toshinori MORI (University of Tokyo)
Session: VI
- Toshinori MORI (University of Tokyo)
Session: VII
- Patrice VERDIER (IP2I - IN2P3) (IP2I Lyon - IN2P3)
I will report on the latest progress of observational studies of high-redshift galaxies using optical to radio facilities including Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), Subaru Telescope, Hubble Space Telescope (HST), Spitzer Space Telescope (SST) and James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). Specifically, I will focus on (1) the formation of super-massive black holes in the early...
The frontier of cosmic microwave background (CMB) studies is to measure the CMB polarization. It provides a unique and powerful way to explore cosmic inflation, neutrino masses, and other possible light relics such as Axions.
In this talk, I will present an overview and status of two CMB polarization projects in the Atacama Desert, Chile; Simons Array and Simons Observatory.
The intersection of the cosmic and neutrino frontiers is a rich field where much discovery space still remains. When convolved with results from terrestrial experiments, cosmology can probe new physics related to neutrinos or even beyond the Standard Model. Any discordance between laboratory and cosmological data sets may reveal new physics in the neutrino sector or suggest alternative models...
Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) is a very wide-field, highly multiplexed optical-NIR spectrometer on the Subaru telescope being developed by the international collaboration led by Kavli IPMU. Since Sep 2021, engineering observations are being carried out several times and the Engineering First Light was accomplished in Sep 2022. In this presentation, I will give an overview of the achievements...
Hyper-Kamiokande is the next generation neutrino observatory to be built in Japan, and the successor of the Kamiokande and Super-Kamiokande detectors. It will be a 260 kton water Cherenkov detector, equiped with 20,000 PMTs, that has been considerably improved compared to the previous generation. It will allow the Hyper-Kamiokande experiment to have an extremely broad physics program: probing...
In this communication, we will briefly recall the motivation for sterile neutrino searches, including the LSND and Gallium anomalies, as well as the Reactor Antineutrino Anomaly, before reviewing recent experimental results on short and very short baseline oscillation experiments using reactor and accelerator neutrinos and decay-at-rest set-ups, too. We will touch on what global fits of...
The new cosmic window opened by gravitational waves is expected to further expand in the future. The aspect of gravitational wave astronomy, which captures astrophysical phenomena related to compact stars, is in the spotlight, but the understanding of fundamental aspects of physics using gravitational waves is also steadily in progress. We will discuss what kind of information can be extracted...
The direct detection of gravitational waves (GWs), with breakthrough discoveries of merging black holes and neutron stars over the past years has revolutionized our understanding of the Universe. This success of second-generation laser-interferometric detectors have ushered scientists into the new era of gravitational-wave astronomy. This scientific field is now attracting more and more...
The detection of gravitational waves uses highly sensitive interferometers that are now limited by quantum uncertainty of photon amplitude and phase. Advanced gravitational wave detectors employ the use of squeezed vacuum injection to reduce quantum noise across a broad band of detection frequencies. In the TAMA facility at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan we maintain the 300m...
The study of particle physics and cosmology are closely intertwined, as they both seek to understand the fundamental workings of the Universe.
Particle physics experiments at colliders such as the Large Hadron Collider have provided crucial information about the properties of fundamental particles
In this talk, we will review the latest results in particle physics and their implications for...
Belle II is a flavor physics experiment at the asymmetric $e^+e^-$ collider SuperKEKB in Japan. Belle II aims to record an order of magnitude more data than the previous Belle experiment. Belle II started operation in 2019 and has accumulated $430~\mathrm{fb}^{-1}$ of data to date. I will present the status and plans of the Belle II experiment, and review its recent results, including those on...
With the current generation of Cherenkov telescopes, a new window at the tera-electronvolt has been opened. Important discoveries were made over les that decade such as observations of fast variability of blazars, new class of emitters such as Radio-galaxies or Gamma-ray bursts. In this presentation, I will discuss a selection of important results and what are the main question that the next...
There are several types of Galactic sources that can potentially accelerate charged particles up to GeV and TeV energies. These accelerated particles can produce Very High Energy (E>100 GeV) gamma-ray emission through different non-thermal processes such as inverse Compton scattering of ambient photon fields by accelerated electrons or pion decay after proton-proton collisions. Here we present...
Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope is an international space mission. It consists of two instruments, Large Area Telescope (LAT) and Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM). Since its launch in 2008, Fermi has played a crucial role in astrophysics. In this contribution, I will describe the recent results of Fermi.
A major bottleneck in the analysis of current and future gravitational wave detector data is the computational cost of parameter inference. This is largely driven by the cost of computing physically complete gravitational waveforms. There are various ways that this problem can be tackled, ranging from accelerating the evaluation of waveform models to reducing the number of waveform evaluations...
This presentation will summarize recent results from observations of gravitational-waves by the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA collaboration. We will look ahead to the upcoming O4 science run, and what kind of new results might be expected. Finally, we will consider what the longer-term plans for future observations might be.
GroundBIRD is a millimeter-wave telescope to observe the polarization patterns of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) at the Teide Observatory in the Canary Islands with 150-GHz and 220-GHz frequency bands. This telescope is designed to achieve the highest sensitivity at large angular scales, $\ell = 6 - 300$. For wide-sky observations, continuous scanning at a high rotation speed (120$\rm...
One of the most exciting challenges of modern extragalactic astronomy is to understand how the first galaxies emerged from a dark Universe and how their physical properties evolved with time. Huge advances have been made over the last decade thanks to the arrival of new telescopes and instruments (e.g. ALMA, MOSFIRE, MUSE, JWST) and new deep and wide surveys (e.g. Frontier Fields, UltraVISTA,...
In this presentation I will talk about current pathways of machine learning in cosmology, leveraging classical as well as more recent techniques. I will show along some selected examples under the prism of the recent and upcoming galaxy surveys.
The Q & U Bolometric Interferometer for Cosmology (QUBIC) is a novel kind of CMB polarimeter, installed on the Puna plateau in Argentina and inaugurated at the end of 2022. QUBIC is optimized for the measurement of the B-mode polarization of the CMB, one of the major challenges of observational cosmology. The signal is expected to be of the order of a few tens of nK, prone to instrumental...
Super-Kamiokande is a highly versatile multi-purpose experiment, with capability to explore variety of topics in the MeV - TeV energy range. This includes, among others, physics related to solar and atmospheric neutrinos, supernovae neutrinos, diffuse supernovae neutrino background (DSNB), neutrino astrophysics, and the study of dark matter as well as proton decay and other baryon...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a multipurpose observatory under construction in China. The JUNO detector consists of a 20kton liquid scintillator target monitored by about 18k 20 inch PMT and about 26k 3 inch PMT. This detector is strategically located 53 km from the Taishan and Yangjiang Nuclear Power Plants in order to precisely measure reactor anti-neutrino...
Ever since its discovery at the LHC in 2012, the Higgs boson is regarded as a messenger from yet charted realms of particle physics, beyond the so-called Standard Model. It is thus expected to play a unique role in understanding many open questions about our universe - from the electroweak phase transition and its relation to baryogenesis to the nature of dark matter and the origin of the mass...
A new test beam line for detector development was built at KEK,
and currently is under commissioning. A new group, Instrumentation
Technology Development Center (ITDC), has been also formed
under Institute for Particle and Nuclear Studies to drive the new
test beam line, and to be an international hub for technology development.
We present the overview and status of the test beam line and ITDC.
A new Europe-based flagship neutrino experiment potential opens by exploiting a unique opportunity effectively hidden in the [Chooz nuclear reactor site][1] (France). The [SuperChooz][2] project’s birth is tied to the dismantling of the EDF Chooz-A nuclear reactor complex. Built around the 60s and unknown to most scientists, the Chooz-A site offers an underground volume of up to 50,000m3...
The Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) and the Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) at the 8.2m Subaru Telescope are powerful instruments enabling wide-area imaging and spectroscopic surveys of galaxies. The international team, being led by Kavli IPMU, are using the HSC data to estimate cosmological parameters, and also envision that we will start the PFS survey in 2024. In this talk I report the cosmological...
Cosmic shear refers to the subtle distortion of distant galaxy shapes due to the spatial matter density fluctuations between these galaxies and the observer. From these measurements, one can constrain both the expansion history and the evolution of density perturbations in the late universe. Confronting these two aspects allows one to test GR on large spatial scales, and, assuming GR, and to...
The direct search for dark matter particle interactions is one of the top priorities in astroparticle physics. A positive measurement will provide the most unambiguous confirmation of the particle nature of dark matter in the Universe. A review of the experimental programme of direct detection searches of particle dark matter is presented. It focuses mostly on current and planned activities in...
Observations have revealed a rich and diverse set of objects in the Milky Way capable of accelerating particles and emitting gamma rays. Pulsars and their wind nebulae are established as the dominant source classes in the GeV and TeV domains, respectively. Supernova remnants and compact binary systems are the other long-known source classes, with the most recent additions of globular...
I will argue that if black holes represent one the most fascinating implications of Einstein's theory of gravity, neutron stars in binary system are arguably its richest laboratory, where gravity blends with astrophysics and particle physics. I will discuss the rapid recent progress made in modelling these systems and show how the gravitational signal can provide tight constraints on the...
T2K is a long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment in Japan. Muon neutrinos are generated by the J-PARC proton beam, and are detected by near detector, ND280, and far detector, Super-Kamiokande. The main purposes are a precise measurement of neutrino mixing parameters and a search for the CP violation in the lepton sector.
In 2022, there were significant updates in the analysis of the...
The CTA is a big international project that facilitates the extensive array of imaging Cherenkov telescope telescopes in two sites, Paranal in Chile and La Palma in Spain, to observe the high energy gamma rays sky in the all-sky with high sensitivity from 20GeV to 300TeV. We will discuss the project and three types of telescopes that allow the coverage of a wide energy range. Especially the...
The CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) space experiment which has been developed by Japan in collaboration with Italy and the United States, is a high-energy astroparticle physics mission installed on the International Space Station (ISS). The primary goals of the CALET mission include studying the details of galactic cosmic-ray acceleration and propagation, and searching for possible...
GRAINE (Gamma-Ray Astro-Imager with Nuclear Emulsion) is GeV/sub-GeV cosmic gamma-ray observation project with balloon-borne nuclear emulsion telescope. It can determine incident gamma ray angle via pair creation, with small material thickness (.002 radiation length par film). Angular resolution can reach close to the kinematical limit, which is 0.1$^\circ$ for 1 GeV gamma-ray (1.0$^\circ$ for...
MeV gamma-ray is a unique window for direct observation of nucleosynthesis in the universe. But there is not any big progress after COMPTEL, which was launched in 1991, because the observation in MeV gamma-ray band is obstructed by many backgrounds produced in the interaction between cosmic rays and detector materials. To open the MeV gamma-ray window, we are developing an electron-tracking...
KamLAND-Zen is a double beta decay experiment with the enriched xenon-loaded liquid scintillator. Increasing the number of double beta-decay nucleus is a key to improve the sensitivity on the neutrinoless decay mode. Among a dozen of target nuclei, xenon gas is easily solved in the liquid scintillator by about 3 wt%, so the experiment with 380 kg xenon (KamLAND-Zen 400) became feasible early...
Precise measurement of neutrino oscillations is believed to be the key to opening up new physics, such as revealing the origin of the matter-dominated universe and discovering new particles outside of the Standard Model called sterile neutrinos. A deep understanding of neutrino-nucleus interactions is essential for the precise measurement of neutrino oscillations in sub-multi-GeV regions to...
ANTARES has been the first neutrino telescope to be operated in the deep sea. Comprising 12 detection lines standing on the sea floor, each equipped with 25 triplets of optical modules, for 16 years it has surveyed the sky, looking for neutrinos from galactic and extragalactic sources or generated from the annihilation of dark matter, and has investigated neutrino oscillation and non standard...
The muon has played an important role in establishing the SM of the particle physics and is now a good probe into physics at very high energy. A variety of exeperiments are ongoing or about to start at high-intensity muon facilities in the world. In this talk, a review of these experiments, including both charged-lepton-flavor conserving and violating processes, will be given.
Machine learning has come a long way from classification and regression tasks in science and in particle physics in particular. It has made formidable quantum leaps on several fronts in the recent years which open ever more doors for breakthroughs in science. The talk will discuss the opportunities in High Energy Physics for machine learning to facilitate better use of human and...
SND@LHC is a compact and stand-alone experiment to perform measurements with neutrinos produced at the LHC in a hitherto unexplored pseudo-rapidity region of 7.2 < 𝜂 < 8.6, complementary to all the other experiments at the LHC. The experiment is located 480 m downstream of IP1 in the unused TI18 tunnel. The detector is composed of a hybrid system based on an 800 kg target mass of tungsten...
Despite successfully predicting the outcome of hundreds of measurements at colliders and other experiments, the standard model of particle physics cannot be the final theory of nature. Searches for beyond-the-standard model (BSM) physics are now a major component of the research program at the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). This talk presents highlights of BSM...
The last years have brought about unprecedented breakthroughs and discoveries in high-energy astrophysics. Most of them are related to transient phenomena and involve an increasing number of cosmic messengers ranging now from radiation across the full electromagnetic spectrum, to high-energy neutrino and gravitational waves. Due to their high sensitivity and increasingly optimized response to...
LiteBIRD, the Lite (Light) satellite for the study of B-mode polarization and Inflation from cosmic background Radiation Detection, is a space mission for the exploration of primordial cosmology. The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) selected LiteBIRD in 2019 as a strategic Large-class mission expected to be launched at the end of the decade. LiteBIRD will orbit the Lagrangian point L2...
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is a next-generation long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment that will employ large-scale cutting-edge liquid argon time projection chamber detectors and the most intense neutrino beam in the world to answer fundamental open questions in particle physics. The experiment’s main goals include precision measurement of neutrino oscillation...
KAGRA is a 3-km interferometric Gravitational-ave antenna placed at the underground site of Kamioka, Gifu, Japan. The test-mass mirrors are cooled down to cryogenic temperature to suppress the effect of thermal noise. KAGRA started the observation run in 2020, and now preparing for the next observation run, O4, together with LIGO and VIRGO. In this talk, science, design, and current status...
Gamma-ray bursts are the brightest electromagnetic phenomena known in the universe. They are associated with an ultra-relativistic jet emitted by a newly formed accreting black hole following the collapse of a massive star or the coalescence of a binary neutron star system. Several new observational windows have recently opened for these extreme phenomena: the first multi-messenger observation...
In this talk I will discuss how observations of the cosmic microwave background and of cosmological large-scale structures can be used to constrain the properties of neutrinos and other light relics. I will focus on "new physics" scenarios (e.g. beyond-standard-model neutrino interactions, axion-like particles....). I will further discuss detection prospects from forthcoming cosmological observations.
In this talk, I will review the most important problems in particle physics and give my perspective on how they are connected.
The Virgo detector contributed to the observations in the O3 observing run and increased its sensitivity from the initial 46 up to 60 Mpc during the run.
The detector has undergone to a series of improvements since the end of the O3 observing run in view of O4, that will last 18 months, at present planned to start on 24 May 2023 preceded by an engineering run.
The major upgrades with respect...
In this presentation, I will provide an overview on where we stand concerning the H0-tension. I will discuss the various direct measurements, their disagreement (or not) with respect to the Lambda-CDM prediction anchored on CMB-epoch data. I will particularly focus on the Type Ia Supernovae probe for they are central in this analysis.