The COMET experiment aims at searching for a conversion of the muon to the electron without emission of the neutrinos. The process is strongly suppressed in the Standard Model of the Particle Physics (SM) and its discovery is a proof of the physics beyond SM. The construction and commissioning of the COMET experiment is ongoing at J-PARC. The proton beam acceleration and the extraction were performed utilizing existing beamline in the Hadron Hall and we measured the extinction factor of the bunched proton beam. Recently the primary proton beamline for the COMET experiment was constructed and is waiting for the beam operation. The first beam will be delivered to the COMET experimental hall in this February mainly for the commissioning of the beamline. At the same time, we plan to verify the secondary muon beam using the superconducting Transport Solenoid Magnet. We will report the current progress of the COMET experiment at the conference.