22–23 nov. 2022
Sorbonne Université (Campus Jussieu)
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Building the SPT-3G 19/20 likelihood

23 nov. 2022, 11:50
Amphi Durand (Sorbonne Université (Campus Jussieu))

Amphi Durand

Sorbonne Université (Campus Jussieu)

4 place Jussieu


Etienne Camphuis (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris)


The South Pole Telescope (SPT) observes the CMB anisotropies with arcminute resolution using its state-of-the-art camera (SPT-3G). Constraints on cosmological parameters from the obtained data will be as tight as Planck’s one while remaining independent from the satellite experiment, thus allowing us to test the consistency of the two data sets and investigate new physics. Reliable cosmological parameters necessitate an accurate covariance matrix. In recent work, we introduced a framework for computing accurate analytical covariance matrices for small survey areas. In this talk, I will present how we adapted this framework to the specific case of SPT-3G. First, we mitigate the point source contamination with Gaussian-constrained signal realization, assert the robustness of this method, and propagate the impact on the final covariance matrix. Then, we consider the impact of data anisotropies and propose an adequate renormalization of the covariance matrix.

Auteur principal

Etienne Camphuis (Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris)

Documents de présentation