2 novembre 2022
Collège de France
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris
Young physicists (Master students, PhD students and postdoctoral researchers), you are all invited to this free event. Come and bring your friends!

Electronic structure of the metal-to-insulator transition in VO2: the chicken-and-egg dilemma of condensed matter

2 nov. 2022, 14:30


Emma David (ISMO, Université Paris-Saclay)


The strongly correlated material $VO_2$ displays a metal-to-insulator (MIT) transition when going below $T_{MIT}=280K$. Alongside this electronic transition, the material undergoes a structural transition from a rutile structure in the metallic phase to a monoclinic structure in the insulating phase. These simultaneous transitions have created a long-lasting debate within the community: is the electronic transition induced by the structural changes (Peierls transition) or is it happening alongside it (Mott transition) [1]? This question has been nicknamed the chicken-and-egg dilemma [2] of condensed matter.

Recent ARPES studies addressed the changes of the electronic structure of $VO_2$ across the transition [3]. However, a detailed imaging of the evolution of the conduction band spectral function in the transition regime is still lacking.

I will present our ongoing ARPES studies on $VO_2$ where we were able to observe a progressive transfer of spectral weight between two distinct states composing the conduction band.

[1] Dynamical Singlets and Correlation-Assisted Peierls Transition in VO2, Silke Biermann et al., Physical Review Letters (2005)
[2] Resolving the VO2 controversy: Mott mechanism dominates the insulator-to-metal transition, O. Nájera et al., Physical Review B. (2017)
[3] Photoelectron dispersion in metallic and insulating VO2 thin films, Viktor Jonsson et al., Physical Review Research (2021)

Auteur principal

Emma David (ISMO, Université Paris-Saclay)


Daisuke Shiga (KEK Photon Factory, Japan) Amitayush Jha-Thakur (ISMO, Université Paris-Saclay) Maximilian Thees (ISMO, Université Paris-Saclay) Pedro Henrique Rezende Gonçalves (ISMO, Université Paris-Saclay) Alexandre Antezak (ISMO, Université Paris-Saclay) Xianglin Cheng (KEK Photon Factory, Japan) Taehyun Kim (KEK Photon Factory, Japan) Tatsuhiko Kanda (KEK Photon Factory, Japan) Emmanouil Frantzeskakis (ISMO, Université Paris-Saclay) Franck Fortuna (ISMO, Université Paris-Saclay) Hiroshi Kumigashira (KEK Photon Factory, Japan) Andres Santander-Syro (ISMO, Université Paris-Saclay)

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