The superconducting LINAC (LINear ACcelerator) of SPIRAL2-GANIL will deliver very intense heavy-ion beams up to uranium by virtue of the additional NEWGAIN (NEW GAnil Injector) with mass to charge ratio (A/Q = 7)[1]. The S$^3$ (Super Separator Spectrometer) of SPIRAL2 was designed to have high transmission, high beam rejection and high mass resolving power capabilities to study rare isotopes like superheavy and exotic nuclei far from the stability with very low production cross-sections[2]. At the focal plane of S$^3$, a state-of-art detector array called SIRIUS (Spectroscopy and Identification of Rare Isotopes Using S$^3$)[3] will be installed to perform decay spectroscopic studies in the region of the very heavy and superheavy nuclei where very little spectroscopic data[4] is available. SIRIUS will be capable of detecting heavy ions and their subsequent decay products: alpha particles, beta particles, internal-conversion electrons, gamma rays, X rays and fission fragments. It is composed of an ion tracker to track the ERs (Evaporation Residues) passing through it and also to measure their time of flights, a DSSD (Double-Sided-Silicon-Strip Detector) for implanting the ERs and to establish their spatial and temporal correlations with their successive decays, four stripy pad silicon detectors in a tunnel configuration placed upstream to the DSSD to detect the escaping charged particles from the DSSD thus allowing performance of internal-conversion-electron spectroscopy, five clover detectors placed in a close geometry around the silicon detectors to carry out detailed gamma spectroscopy. Currently, we are commissioning the setup using sources and beam. In this conference, I will present the current status of the SIRIUS project.
[1] D. Ackermann et al., NEWGAN White Book (2021) 1-39.
[2] F. Déchery et al., Eur. Phys. J. A 51 (2015) 66.
[3] N. Karkour et al., IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium 51 (2016) 1-6.
[4] Ch. Theisen et al., Nucl. Phys. A 944 (2015) 333-375.
*S$^3$ has been funded by the French Research Ministry, National Research Agency (ANR), through the EQUIPEX (EQUIPment of EXcellence) reference ANR-10EQPX- 46, the FEDER (Fonds Européen de Développement Economique et Régional), the CPER (Contrat Plan Etat Région), and supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Physics, under contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357 and by the E.C.FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES 2007, SPIRAL2 Preparatory Phase, Grant agreement No.: 212692.
SIRIUS has been funded by the CPIER (Contrat Plan Etat Inter Régional) and the Région Normandie \& the European Union through the RIN-Tremplin Grant SoSIRIUS.