The DESIR low-energy beam facility is dedicated to nuclear physics, astrophysics, and fundamental interaction studies using exotic nuclei provided by the SPIRAL1 and S3 production sites of GANIL-SPIRAL2. The commissioning of beam preparation devices is ongoing at LP2iB, where a high-resolution mass-separator (HRS-1P) and a double Penning trap (PIPERADE) coupled to a RFQ cooler and buncher (GPIB) are being tested offline. The refurbishment of a high-acceptance RFQ cooler (RFP-1P) will start soon at LPC Caen. Experimental setups are being tested online (MORA@Jyväskylä) or will be soon commissioned offline (MLLTrap@IJCLab). On the infrastructure side, the safety authorization for the construction of the facility has been granted in spring 2023, and the ongoing Public Enquiry (April-May 2023) should allow the Construction Permit to be obtained before the summer. The final delivery of the DESIR buildings is expected by 2025, as well as the installation of the transport beam lines and associated utilities, that should allow to start the operation of the facility by 2026-2027.