28–30 nov. 2022
Laboratoire de physique nucléaire et des hautes énergies (LPNHE)
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Update on CCOB Narrow Beam data taking preparation and data analysis

30 nov. 2022, 12:00
Amphithéâtre Charpak (Laboratoire de physique nucléaire et des hautes énergies (LPNHE))

Amphithéâtre Charpak

Laboratoire de physique nucléaire et des hautes énergies (LPNHE)

4 Place Jussieu, Tour 22, 1er étage, 75005 Paris


Johan Bregeon (IN2P3 LSPC)


The CCOB narrow beam has been developed and built in the past several years at LPSC Grenoble with the goal to obtain a thin monochromatic beam of calibrated light useful to characterize the Rubin camera optic transmission and internal geometrical alignment.
I will give a brief overview of the apparatus and present the current data taking and data analysis strategy based on ray tracing simulations

Auteur principal

Johan Bregeon (IN2P3 LSPC)

Documents de présentation