21–23 nov. 2022
IP2I Lyon
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris


Physics Experiments and Detectors

22 nov. 2022, 09:00

Présidents de session

Physics Experiments and Detectors: R&D / Detector concepts -1

  • Didier Contardo (IN2P3/CNRS)
  • Francesco Grancagnolo (INFN - Lecce, ITALY)

Physics Experiments and Detectors: R&D / Detector Concepts-2

  • Roberto Ferrari
  • Nicolas Morange ({CNRS}UMR9012)
  • Vincent Boudry (LLR - CNRS, École polytechnique/IPP Paris)

Physics Experiments and Detectors: R&D / Detector Concepts-3

  • Vincent Boudry (LLR - CNRS, École polytechnique/IPP Paris)
  • Roberto Ferrari
  • Nicolas Morange ({CNRS}UMR9012)

Documents de présentation

Aucun document.
22/11/2022 09:00
Ziad El Bitar (IPHC)
22/11/2022 09:05
Manuel Dionisio da Rocha Rolo. (INFN)
22/11/2022 09:25
Francesco Grancagnolo (INFN - Lecce, ITALY)
22/11/2022 09:45
Paul Colas (CEA/DAPNIA Saclay)
22/11/2022 10:05
Enrico Robutti (INFN)
22/11/2022 10:25
Paolo Giacomelli (INFN Bologna)
22/11/2022 11:25
Nicolas Morange (IJCLab), Roberto Ferrari, Vincent Boudry (LLR - CNRS, École polytechnique/IPP Paris)
22/11/2022 11:55
Marie-Hélène Schune (LAL)
22/11/2022 12:00
Romualdo Santoro. (INFN)
22/11/2022 12:20
Marco Toliman Lucchini (INFN & University of Milano-Bicocca)
22/11/2022 12:40
Roman Poeschl (LAL Orsay)
22/11/2022 18:00
Nicolas Morange (LAL Orsay), Nicolas Morange (IJCLab)
22/11/2022 18:20
Nicolas Morange (IJCLab), Roberto Ferrari, Vincent Boudry (LLR - CNRS, École polytechnique/IPP Paris)
22/11/2022 18:40
Didier Contardo (IN2P3/CNRS), Francesco Grancagnolo (INFN - Lecce, ITALY)
22/11/2022 18:55
Chairs of the Tracking and Calorimeter sessions
22/11/2022 19:10
Stephane Monteil (Laboratoire de Physique de Clermont - UCA/IN2P3)
Ordre du jour en construction...