23–25 nov. 2022
IPHC Strasbourg
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Scientific programme

The workshop aims at contributing to the visibility of the IN2P3-CEA/DRF-GSI collaborations, stimulating scientific discussions and favouring the development of new collaborations.


The workshop is opened to the wider French and German nuclear physics communities in addition to the existing collaborations. The meeting will start on November 23 at 14:00 and end on November 24 at 18:00. The collaboration leaders or their representatives of all ongoing collaborations are invited to present their achievements from 2022 and future plans for 2023. Their presence on site is requested. New collaborations will present their proposal and the goals for next year. Interactions among existing collaborations, and with the wider French and German communities, will be favoured in a hybrid mode to facilitate the emergence of new collaborations (link to be distributed later). Presentation of the collaboration reports will be essential for their evaluation by the IN2P3-CEA/DRF-GSI Scientific Advisory Committee.


The final agenda and two zip files with all the talks of Wednesday and Thursday are available at the bottom of home page.