Sergey Ostapchenko
(Norwegian University for Science and Technology (NTNU))
01/07/2010 15:40
oral presentation
Present status of extensive air shower (EAS) simulation procedures
is reviewed. The advantages of combining numerical and Monte Carlo
(MC) methods for the description of air shower development are
demonstrated. The relation to experimental techniques for the studies
of high energy cosmic rays is also addressed. The uncertainties in
the predicted EAS characteristics are analysed and...
Tim Huege
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
01/07/2010 16:10
oral presentation
Two very different approaches have been developed for the modelling of radio emission from cosmic ray air showers: the geosynchrotron model, implemented with Monte Carlo techniques in REAS3, and the MGMR model, based on a macroscopic description of transverse currents. Comparing the predictions of these very different models is a powerful way to gauge our understanding of radio emission...
Marianne Ludwig
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
01/07/2010 17:10
oral presentation
The Monte Carlo-code REAS simulates radio emission from cosmic ray air showers based on the
geosynchrotron model. In this talk, we present a revised version of the geosynchrotron model as implemented in REAS3. In the previous version of the code, emission due to the variation of the number of charged particles within an air shower was not taken into account. These emission contributions were...
David Seckel
(University of Delaware)
01/07/2010 17:30
oral presentation
A parametric model for the "geo-synchrotron" radio emission from cosmic ray air showers is presented. The shower is treated as a smooth macroscopic current source, separable in cartesian "shower"-coordinates, which facilitates calculation of phase coherence at a remote detector. Time delays are kept to second order in shower size/distance (d/R), and account for varying index of refraction...
Krijn de Vries
(KVI/University of Groningen)
01/07/2010 17:50
oral presentation
The time variation of a net macroscopic current in the thin shower front of an Extensive Air Shower gives rise to an electromagnetic pulse. This pulse will be emitted within the radio frequency range. A macroscopic model has been developed to simulate this radio pulse. Recent developments of this model will be discussed. Furthermore with the use of Monte-Carlo simulations we have investigated...
Colas Riviere
01/07/2010 18:10
oral presentation
We present here results of two complementary approaches of the modelization of EAS radio emission: an analytical model using extremely simplified shower geometry and a full Monte Carlo simulation. Both are based on the general expression of an accelerated relativistic charge and assumes a refractive index fixed to unity. The main characteristics of the obtained electric field is discussed...
Vincent Marin
(SUBATECH, Nantes)
01/07/2010 18:30
oral presentation
The simulation is based on the complete geometrical description of air showers generated by protons above 10 PeV. Only electrons and positrons of the air shower are considered for the electric field computation. We give random initials conditions for energy, position and angular direction to each particle, following the distributions extracted from CORSIKA simulations (S. Lafebre et al). The...
Amy Connolly
(University College London)
01/07/2010 18:50
oral presentation
Ultra-high energy neutrino experiments can probe neutrino-nucleon cross sections at center-of-mass energies higher than those of typical interactions at the LHC, where deviations from the standard model expectation can signal new physics. We will present new calculations of the neutrino-nucleon charged and neutral current cross sections and their theoretical uncertainties in the range...