Antje Putze
(Oskar Klein Center / Stockholm University / KTH)
01/07/2010 14:40
oral presentation
One century after the discovery of cosmic rays, many questions remain open on its origin, nature, and transport. Experiments to detect them directly have constantly improved and are today highly diversified to address different cosmic-ray processes over a wide energy range. Indeed, precise measurements of cosmic rays in an energy range from ~10^4 eV to ~10^15 eV allow one to study the...
Andreas Haungs
01/07/2010 15:10
oral presentation
KASCADE-Grande is a multi-detector experiment at KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), in Germany for measuring extensive air showers in the primary energy range of 100 TeV to 1 EeV. This presentation attempts to provide a synopsis of the current results of the experiment. In particular, the all-particle energy spectrum will be discussed. In addition, investigations on the elemental...