Andreas Haungs
KASCADE-Grande is a multi-detector experiment at KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), in Germany for measuring extensive air showers in the primary energy range of 100 TeV to 1 EeV. This presentation attempts to provide a synopsis of the current results of the experiment. In particular, the all-particle energy spectrum will be discussed. In addition, investigations on the elemental composition of the cosmic particles as well as tests of hadronic interaction models
underlying the analyses will be presented. As KASCADE-Grande serves also as host of the LOPES radio detection experiment where both experiments
measure the same showers, special emphasis will be given in comparing the characteristics and feasibility of both techniques in estimating the main parameters of high-energy primary cosmic rays: energy, composition, and arrival direction.
Auteur principal
Andreas Haungs
.. KASCADE-Grande Collaboration