WP5 Monthly Meeting


Meeting with all partners involved in WP5/ESAP

You are invited to attend a videocon taking place in virtual meeting room:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 973 0834 7310
Password: Will be provided via email*

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    • 11:00 11:03
      Roll call 3m
      Orateur: John Swinbank (ASTRON)
    • 11:03 11:05
      Minutes of the last meeting 2m

      Minutes of thelast meeting can be found at the previous meeting.
      Overview of meetings: https://indico.in2p3.fr/category/906/

      Orateur: John Swinbank (ASTRON)
    • 11:05 11:25
      Announcements, news and general updates 20m

      Provide your information by adding minutes to the sub-contribution. You will need to have an indico account to do this.
      Note: Please also mention in your updates if you are going to or were at an event to talk about ESAP.

      • NWO-I / ASTRON 1m
        • White paper (attached) submitted to project management. Provides a brief summary of the work undertaken in WP5 and discusses prospects for future activities. Thanks to everybody who contributed or provided feedback.
        • ESAP busy week next week (starting 27 June).
          • Format will be broadly similar to last time — project pitches, focused work with plenty of check-ins.
          • A great time for folks who are new to ESAP to get started! If you aren't sure how to engage, drop me a line.
          • Further details including timings etc coming this week — watch your e-mail / Rocket Chat.
        • Our final project milestone, MS35 Final WP5 ESFRI user training workshop on the Science Platform, is due before the end of the project; likely targeting Q3/4 this year.
          • As with most of the milestones, there is no written documentation as to what this milestone consists of beyond its title.
          • We should assume that this is a workshop which demonstrates all aspects of the work undertaken in WP5 to the ESFRI community (and to a wider audience?).
          • This will certainly include discussion / demonstration of key ESAP capabilities (ie, the ESAP core, GUI, etc). I will work with the core ESAP technical team to address this.
          • It should also include demonstration of other tasks that have been undertaken in the context of or funded by WP5. For example, partners that have developed or packaged software or set up an analysis environment that is of relevance to a particular community should be ready to demonstrate those systems.
          • Please use this document to capture contributions the partner you represent can contribute to the workshop. Deadline end of this month — after that, we'll start putting together an agenda.
            • Also indicate if your work is still in progress, and, if so, when it will become available.
        • The Project Closure Event (for the whole of ESCAPE, not just WP5) will take place on 25 & 26 October in Brussels.
          • This is an opportunity to present the work undertaken in ESCAPE, describe our achievements, and present perspectives on future developments.
          • Ideas for material to present at the closure event are welcome. Let me know and I'll ensure they passed on to project management.
          • Further details, including opportunities for participation, will be forthcoming.
      • CERN 1m
      • CNRS-LAPP 1m
      • CSIC 1m
      • CTAO 1m


        • Worked on issue103 bug with Rucio results pagination (Klass, John & Fanna) branch
        • Working on batch epic issues
          • Started playing again with ESAP worker, adding batch app: issue124 branch
          • Linked to that, had a dicussion with Dave at the WP2 meeting about the metadata and workflow. Started to write things down in issue135


      • NWO-I / CWI 1m
      • EGO 1m
        • Given an onboarding presentation for the container to access gravitational wave data on the OSSR, in the final stages of making it available in the repository
        • Resolved issue of putting the cWB gravitational pipeline in the IGWN Conda Distribution to make it widely available
        • In the process of making cWB available in the OSSR


      • ESO 1m
      • FAIR 1m
      • FAU 1m
      • IFAE 1m
      • INAF 1m
      • JIVE 1m

        An important step was taken towards enabling eduGAIN logins on the JIVE Jupyterhub service.

        In the Netherlands access to eduGAIN is organized through our national NREN Surfnet, a prerequisite to be allowed to join eduGAIN is to first join their SURFconext authentication service. 

        The contracts to join SURFconext have been signed by the JIVE director, the next step after our application has been finilized will be to implement logins through SURFconext on the JIVE Jupyterhub.

      • KIS 1m
      • NWO-I / Nikhef 1m
      • RUG 1m
      • SKAO 1m

        Not much to report - past month+ since Busy Week 1 has largely been preparing for kick-off of formal SRC Prototyping activities. SKAO involvement in ESCAPE WP5 formally ended in May, but we expect still to be involved in wider Science Analysis Platform activities in this capacity.

        Will continue with the DLaaS work in Busy Week 2 next week.

      • UCM 1m
      • UEDIN 1m
    • 11:25 11:30
      Emergent issues 5m
    • 11:30 11:35
      Upcoming meetings 5m