Alessandro Strumia
(Pisa Univ & INFN & NICPB)
20/06/2022 10:00
The talk will consist of two parts.
In the first I will summarize attempts of interpreting the 7sigma anomaly in the W-boson mass recently claimed by the CDF collaboration.
In the second part I will argue that measuring the top quark mass well enough to establish the possible instability scale of the
SM Higgs potential could be a main target of future colliders, and propose unusual...
Avik Banerjee
(Chalmers University of Technology Gothenburg, Sweden)
20/06/2022 11:20
Kayoung Ban
20/06/2022 11:50
(Laboratoire de Physique Théorique d'Orsay)
21/06/2022 11:20
Alexander Belyaev
(Southampton University)
22/06/2022 14:30
Yann Gouttenoire
(Tel Aviv University)
23/06/2022 11:50
Zhi-Wei Wang
23/06/2022 15:00
Luca Panizzi
(Uppsala University)
24/06/2022 10:00