1–4 juin 2010
<a href="http://www.iphc.cnrs.fr/" target="_top">IPHC</a>
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Liste des Contributions

99 / 99
Dr Marcos Dracos (IPHC-IN2P3/CNRS)
02/06/2010 10:00
Rob Edgecock (STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
02/06/2010 10:15
Stephen Parke (Fermilab)
02/06/2010 11:15
Alain Blondel (Université de Genève)
02/06/2010 12:00
Dr Michele Maltoni (Instituto de Fisica Teorica, Madrid,CSIC/UAM)
02/06/2010 14:00
Elena Wildner (CERN)
02/06/2010 14:00
Christian Hansen (CERN)
02/06/2010 14:10
Dr Thomas Schwetz-Mangold (Max-Planck-Institute, Heidelberg)
02/06/2010 14:30
M. Andrew Laing
02/06/2010 15:00
Benjamin Lepers
02/06/2010 15:20
Dr Andrea Donini (Instituto de Fisica Teorica, Madrid, CSIC/UAM)
02/06/2010 15:35
Gerard Gaudiot
02/06/2010 15:40
Rob Edgecock
02/06/2010 16:30
Dr Andrea Donini (Instituto de Fisica Teorica, CSIC/UAM), Dr Anselmo Cervera
02/06/2010 16:30
Christoph Bobeth
02/06/2010 16:50
Dr Andrea Donini (Instituto de Fisica Teorica, CSIC/UAM), Dr Paul Soler (University of Glasgow)
02/06/2010 16:50
Elena Wildner (CERN)
02/06/2010 17:00
Dr Marco Apollonio (Imperial College London)
02/06/2010 17:00
Dr Anselmo Cervera, Dr Paul Soler (University of Glasgow)
02/06/2010 17:10
Benjamin Lepers
02/06/2010 17:10
Kenneth Long (Imperial College London)
02/06/2010 18:25
André Rubbia (ETH Zurich)
03/06/2010 09:00
Dr Chris Densham (STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory), Marco Zito (IRFU-Saclay)
03/06/2010 11:00
Matt Rooney
03/06/2010 14:00
Dr Walter Winter (Wuerzburg University)
03/06/2010 14:00
Dr Gersende Prior (CERN)
03/06/2010 14:00
Dr Chris Densham (STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
03/06/2010 14:20
Mlle Androula Alekou (Imperial College London)
03/06/2010 14:25
Dr Toshihiko Ota (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik, Munich)
03/06/2010 14:30
Vladimir Kravtchouk (INFN Legnaro)
03/06/2010 14:30
Prof. Michael Zisman (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
03/06/2010 14:50
Dr Francois Meot (in2p3)
03/06/2010 15:15
Valeria Zeter
03/06/2010 15:20
Dr Silvia Pascoli (Durham University)
03/06/2010 15:30
Elena Benedetto (CERN)
03/06/2010 15:30
Dr Juergen Pozimski (Imperial)
03/06/2010 15:40
Dr Chris Densham (STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
03/06/2010 15:40
Dr Morteza Aslaninejad (Imperial College London)
03/06/2010 16:30
M. Thomas Planche (Kyoto University)
03/06/2010 16:50
Nikolaos Vassilopoulos (APC Paris)
03/06/2010 16:55
Dr Jaroslaw Pasternak (Imperial College London)
03/06/2010 17:10
Dr David Kelliher (ASTEeC)
03/06/2010 17:30
André Rubbia (ETH Zurich)
03/06/2010 17:30
Dr Juergen Pozimski (Imperial)
03/06/2010 17:50
Jürgen Pozimski (Imperial College London)
04/06/2010 09:30
Marco Zito (IRFU-Saclay)
04/06/2010 10:00
Anselmo Cervera Villanueva (IFIC-Valencia)
04/06/2010 11:00
including comments on IAP recommendations
Dr Andrea Donini (Instituto de Fisica Teorica, CSIC/UAM)
04/06/2010 11:30
including comments on IAP recommendations
Rob Edgecock (STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
04/06/2010 12:00
Dr Anselmo Cervera, Dr Paul Soler (University of Glasgow)
Dr Andrea Donini (Instituto de Fisica Teorica, CSIC/UAM), Dr Paul Soler (University of Glasgow)
Gerard Gaudiot