1–4 juin 2010
<a href="http://www.iphc.cnrs.fr/" target="_top">IPHC</a>
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris
EUROnu is a European Commission Framework Programme 7 Design Study to investigate second generation neutrino oscillation facilities in Europe. It started officially on 1st September 2008. The second annual meeting of EUROnu will take place at Strasbourg from 2nd to 4th June 2010. Pre-meetings of the work packages could take place the 1st of June according to the WP needs. The plenary meetings mainly take place in the morning while parallel meetings of the work packages will be in the afternoon. The main focus of this second meeting will be a review of the state of the art and of the work to be undertaken.
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<a href="http://www.iphc.cnrs.fr/" target="_top">IPHC</a>
Building 25 - Amphi M.Grünewald
23, rue du Loess 67200 Strasbourg FRANCE