17–21 mai 2010
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Programme Scientifique

Note that the agenda is provisional

I. Fundamental Concepts

  • Probability and Statistics
    Session of 1h30
    Lecturer/Intervenants : J. Baudot (IPHC), I. Laktineh (IPNL)

  • Fits, Method of chi2 and Method of Maximum Likelihood
    Session of 1h30
    Lecturer/Intervenant : J. Baudot, I. Laktineh

* Statistical tests, limits
* Three sessions of 1h30 (theory and practice)
* Lecturer/Intervenant :
Glen Cowan (Royal Holloway, University of London**

* Example of application : variance & covariance matrix in a cross-section measurement in nuclear physics
* Session of 1 x 1h30
* Lecturer/ Intervenant :
Gregoire Kessedjan (LPSC, INP, IN2P3) II. Mutlivariate Discriminant **
* Discrimination multivariée : introduction théorique
* session of 2 hrs
* Lecturer/Intervenant : Balasz Kegl (LAL, IN2P3)

  • **Neural Network and NeuroBayes **
  • Session of 2h00
  • Lecturer / Intervenant : **Michael Feindt (Karlsruhe Univ.) **

  • **Neural Network : example of application in top Physics **

  • Session of 2h00
  • Lecturer/Intervenant : Dominic Hirshbuehl (Wuppertal Uni.)

  • Boosted Decision Tree and application / Arbres de décision boostés

  • Session of 2 hrs
  • Lecturer/Intervenant : Yann Coadou (CPPM, IN2P3) ** III. Tools and Framework **
  • The RooStat Framework
  • Session of 3 hrs.
  • Lecturer/Intervenant : Kyle Cranmer (New York University)

  • ** Markov Chain Monte Carlo and application in astroparticule**

  • Session of 2 hrs
  • Lecturer/Intervenant : **Laurent Derome (LPSC, UJF) **
  • ** Bayesian Analysis Tool**

  • Session of 2 hrs

  • Lecturer / Intervenant : Daniel Kollar (CERN)