COLIBRI is one of the ground follow-up telescopes under French responsibility especially developed for the SVOM mission, for the gamma-ray burst science and transient exploration. This 1.3 m telescope comes from a collaboration between France and Mexico and it will be commissioned and installed at the Observatorio Astronómico Nacional (Mexico) by the end of 2022/beginning 2023. It will have an optical camera with two branches and a near-infrared camera, to detect the transient in three bands simultaneously. The strength of COLIBRI relies on its unique combination of speed and multi-band sensitivity.
It will be able to point from any position on the sky at any other position in less than 20 s with anabsolute accuracy better than 2.5 arcsec. This, combined with its fast pre-processing pipeline, will allow to detect transient sources and obtain their photometric redshift estimates in less than 5 min from the receival of the alert. I will present the telescope and its status.