15–16 nov. 2021
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Statistical separation of dust and CIB with Wavelet Phase Harmonics

16 nov. 2021, 09:20


Constant Auclair (LPENS)


Modelling the emission of Galactic dust is a main challenge for CMB polarization experiments. Current models based on Planck data suffer from the difficulty of separating dust emission from the Cosmic Infrared Background (CIB). We will show that the two components may be statistically separated using their radically different structure on the sky. Our approach uses a state-of-the-art model of the CIB and the Wavelet Phase Harmonics (WPH) statistics. We will present results obtained on mock data and Herschel observations in the far infrared at high Galactic latitude.

Auteurs principaux

Athanasia Gkogkou (LAM) Bruno Regaldo-Saint Blancard (ENS) Constant Auclair (LPENS) Erwan Allys (LPENS, Paris) Francois Boulanger (ENS) Guilaine Lagache (LAM) Marc-Antoine Miville-Deschenes Matthieu Béthermin (LAM)

Documents de présentation