WP2 fortnightly meeting

Xavier Espinal (CERN)
    • 11:00 11:10
      News 10m
      Orateurs: Rosie Bolton (Square Kilometre Array Organisation), Xavier Espinal (CERN)
      • Future WP2 meetings : Thursdays 11:00 - 12:00
      • Propose to have a meeting also next week and recover the original pattern, ie. WP2 meeting is not colocated with ESCAPE tech. coord. meeting.
    • 11:10 11:30
      DAC21 - Activity 2 updates: Multi-Rucios, Testing and Monitoring 20m
      Orateurs: Agustin Bruzzese (PIC), Rizart Dona (CERN), Rosie Bolton (Square Kilometre Array Organisation)
      • Testing has been halted temporarily in the ESCAPE Rucio, multiple issues in the cluster, will start again ASAP
        • Dev work ongoing to integrate tokens in the gfal tests
    • 11:30 11:45
      DAC21 - Activity 3 updates: AAI, token integration, data-access ACLs 15m
      Orateurs: Andrea Ceccanti (INFN), Marek Szuba (GSI), Paul Millar (DESY)
      • Token-based AuthN/Z support in the Datalake
        • The GFAL test suite is being modified to use tokens (this is on Rizart); soon we should have a dashboard that gives us visibility on the status of the Datalake
        • The ESCAPE token-based testsuite is being worked on (by Andrea & Federica at INFN) to implement fine-grained authz tests both with tokens and X.509. We plan to have the first report in a couple of weeks (i.e., at the next WP2 meeting). This will mainly test the compliance with the ESCAPE namespace authorization proposal
        • Aleem is looking into the token-based authnz problems at DESY dCache endpoint reported by Riccardo in the past weeks; the problem is reproduced and hopefully will be soon understood
      • ESCAPE/FENIX interoperability
    • 11:45 11:55
      (tbc) Data Lake as a Service Demo 10m
      Orateurs: Muhammad Aditya, Riccardo Di Maria (CERN)
    • 11:55 12:00
      AOB 5m