Technical Coordination Meeting


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Topic: ESCAPE Technical Coordination

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    • 10:00 10:10
      Introduction 10m
      Orateurs: Ian Bird (LAPP), Julie CHAUDAN (LAPP IN2P3 / CNRS)
      1. CHEP abstracts - deadline 19 Nov
      2. EOSC Association - stakeholder registry
      3. E-EB extended discussion day - timetable in Indico; some questions to consider: 
    • 10:10 10:20
      TSP update 10m

      Document and timeline submitted to EOSC-Future

      - EOSC-Future meeting on SP's last week (1 Sep) - presentations of all SPs (not yet publicly available), ESCAPE presentation attached to this agenda

      - Brief item on TSP's at the technical day at the GA (28 Sep):

      • TSP status & overview
      • DM update
      • EU update
      • proto-VRE for TSP's - as an example

      - Important next step for ESCAPE SP's

      • Firm up timelines - see spreadsheet; add clear and realistic milestones (that we need for ourselves)
      • Produce a good estimate of the resource needs for each project and sub-project:
        • compute - cluster, HPC, specific needs?
        • storage - with specific QoS if necessary
        • other needs?
      • Then we need within ESCAPE to address what resources we can provide from our ESCAPE partners;
        • intention is to add other resources from a) ESCAPE procurment funds, b) EOSC-Future brokered resources through INFRAEOSC-07 projects

      - ESCAPE will organise a meeting on the TSP's following the GA; we should try and have the above planning complete by then

    • 10:20 10:45
      Round Table 25m
      • WP2 2m
        Orateur: Xavier Espinal (CERN)
        • Data Lake as a Service project completed during the summer
          • File discovery, browse, access and download capabilities fully integrated in Jupyter. 
          • Direct data upload from the Notebook to the Data Lake (RUCIO upload with a button-click, synchronous) or third-part-orchestration with RUCIO and FTS for larger files (asynchronous)
          • General OAuth Token integration completed: Notebook, ESCAPE IAM, RUCIO and data download (data upload depends on the storage system). Also fully x509 compliant.
        • DAC21 activities moving forward, remarkable activity throughout the summer.
        • FENIX/ESCAPE collaboration restarting next week. Meeting on friday with CSCS to start prototyping an storage endpoint for testing.
        • Preparations for the progress meeting ongoing, including a note about "what is a Scientific Data Lake?!"
        • EOSC Future fellow hiring completed, starting date confirmed for the 1st October.
        • 26th International Conference on Computing in High Energy & Nuclear Physics (CHEP 2022), May 16, 2022 to May 20, 2022
        • Rucio community workshop 27 September - 01 October
      • WP3 2m
        Orateur: Kay Graf (ECAP - University of Erlangen)
      • WP4 2m
        Orateur: Mark Allen (CDS/CNRS)

        Preparation of WP4 contributions to EEB Extended Discussion:

        - Experience of ESCAPE in IVOA - enabling Radio Astronomy in VO. 
        - EOSC portal onboarding and IVOA Registry resource publishing - overlaps and lessons learned

        - WP 4 /5 Disussion on use of VO in the ESCAPE Platform

        • access to VO data, and use of visualisation in notebooks/platform

        Recent WP4 meetings:

        SKAO CEVO provenance meeting (09 July)

        CEVO (CTAO + High energy) datamodels and standards for interoperability (01 September)

        • setting up preparation for a focused workshop

        (details on WP4 wiki :

        In planning:

        HiPS in Data Lake disucussion (WP4/2) : doodle just launched :-)

        Preparation for next IVOA Milestone - IVOA meeting 2-4 November (on-line)

        Preparation for ADASS conference (24-28 October) - a number of ESCAPE presentations/tutorials/focu-demo accepted.

        Preparation for in-person School with target date is week of 21 February 2022




      • WP5 2m
        Orateur: John Swinbank (ASTRON)
        • Apologies that I can't make it to today's meeting.
        • WP5 workshop on 5 August was successful; thanks to everybody who participated!
        • Deliverable D5.3, “Performance assessment of initial science platform prototype”, was delivered on 27 August. Thanks to everybody who contributed! At time of writing we're still waiting to hear if it has been approved by the EC.
          • (Tangentially: I made a LaTeX template; if you need to make an ESCAPE-format document but can't bring yourself to use Word, drop me a line.)
        • Joint meeting with WP3 planned on 15 September to press forward on ESAP/OSSR integration issues.
          • Picking up the questions that Gareth Hughes raised at the 5 August workshop.
        • Two “white papers” in progress. The aim is that these will inform development priorities over the next couple of months:
          • ESAP development goals for DAC21
          • ESAP integration with the VO
        • Two new developers started at ASTRON in early September; expect them both to make contributions to ESAP development.
      • WP6 2m
        Orateur: Prof. Stephen Serjeant (The Open University)

        Briefly, our focus at the moment is on the ESCAPE / EOSC-Future Citizen Science workshop that we are running next week.

        We have over 40 attendees, the majority of whom are outside ESCAPE, which is a very good turn-out for a citizen science workshop and it a managable size for our workshop objectives.

        For the discussion day adjacent to the ESCAPE General Assembly, we are intending a hands-on participation demo for ESCAPE citizen science.

        The citizen science use cases have also been added to the project management system.

      • CTA 2m
        Orateur: Dr Matthias Fuessling (CTAO gGmbH)
      • EGO 2m
        Orateur: Antonella Bozzi
      • ESO 2m
        Orateur: Dr Martino Romaniello (ESO)

        After attending the WP5 workshop on August 5th, we have provided to John details user stories with ESO use cases for ESAP.

      • EST 2m
        Orateur: Nazaret Bello Gonzalez
      • FAIR 2m
        Orateur: Mohammad Al-Turany (CERN)
      • HL-LHC 2m
        Orateurs: Daniele Spiga (INFN-Perugia), Daniele Spiga (infn)
        • HL-LHC use cases added to project platform
      • Jive 2m
        Orateur: harro verkouter (Joint Institute for VLBI ERIC)
      • KM3Net 2m
        Orateurs: Jutta Schnabel (FAU Erlangen (ECAP)), Dr Kay Graf (ECAP - University of Erlangen)
        • Progress in WP2 in setting up Rucio for KM3NeT & hooking up to DAC21
        • Discussions on common VHE data format starting with CTA et al.
          • preparation of CEVO workshop with WP4
          • "external" meeting on GADF (gamma ray format) development -> discussions picking up momentum
      • SKA 2m
        Orateur: Rosie Bolton (Square Kilometre Array Organisation)

        Continued work in interactive data analysis (working with binderhub instance - next steps looking at shared data volumes to enable easier collaboration). 

        We are preparing our rucio instance to be ready for DAC21 (upgrade k8s cluster and upgrading our dev and production rucio instances). We hope that the include the recent (ranged) metadata support features which we (Rob Barnsley) worked on will be included in a rucio release in time for DAC21 but this is not essential.


    • 10:50 10:51
      AOB 1m
      • Next meeting: - regain original schedule, but E-EB next week, then GA + extended technical discussions, so next TC 13 Oct

      • Items for future agendas