24–26 mars 2010
Epochal Tsukuba
Fuseau horaire Asia/Tokyo


Opening talks

24 mars 2010, 09:30
Main Convention Hall (Epochal Tsukuba)

Main Convention Hall

Epochal Tsukuba

Tsukuba International Congress Center, 2-20-3,Takezono, Tsukuba,Ibaraki, 305-0032,Japan Tel: +81-29(861)0001 Fax: +81-29(861)1209

Documents de présentation

Aucun document.
Denis Perret-Gallix (IN2P3/CNRS), Mitsuaki Nozaki (KEK)
24/03/2010 09:30
Jie Zhang (The AAPPS president), Maciej Kolwas (The EPS president)
24/03/2010 09:50
Motoyuki Ono (The JSPS President)
24/03/2010 10:10
Bertrand Girard (Institute of Physics, CNRS, Director)
24/03/2010 10:20
Shoji Nagamiya (The JPS president)
24/03/2010 10:30
Barbara Rhode (EU Delegation to Japan in Tokyo, Science Counsellor)
24/03/2010 10:40
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