24–26 mars 2010
Epochal Tsukuba
Fuseau horaire Asia/Tokyo

Proposal for a new international beam instrumentation conference

Non programmé
Main Convention Hall (Epochal Tsukuba)

Main Convention Hall

Epochal Tsukuba

Tsukuba International Congress Center, 2-20-3,Takezono, Tsukuba,Ibaraki, 305-0032,Japan Tel: +81-29(861)0001 Fax: +81-29(861)1209


Prof. Toshiyuki MITSUHASHI (KEK)


We propose the establishment of a new international beam instrumentation conference (IBIC). Currently there are two major workshops on beam instrumentation, the Beam Instrumentation Workshop (BIW) in North America, and the European Workshop on Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation (DIPAC) in European. In consideration of the growth in beam instrumentation activities in Asia, the DIPAC and BIW committees have begun discussing the addition of an Asian instrumentation workshop, creating an international conference which rotates among geographic regions on a three-year cycle. SPring-8 and KEK have accordingly initiated IBIC organization activities. Herein, we introduce the proposal for a new international beam instrumentation conference, and recent discussions at KEK and SPring-8.

Auteur principal

Prof. Toshiyuki MITSUHASHI (KEK)


Dr Hitoshi Tanaka (RIKEN/SPring-8)

Documents de présentation