Mutsuko Yasuda
(Japan Science and Technology Agency)
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) is a core funding agency to implement the Japanese Science and Technology Basic Plan under the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). JST comprehensively promotes mission-oriented basic research as well as academia-industry collaboration and technology transfer, in order to support all of the process from creation of knowledge, which leads to innovation in Japan, to return of research results to the society/nation. As the bases of such process, JST also provides scientific and technical information, and promotes science communication and strategic international activities. Internationally, JST has been implementing the Strategic International Cooperative Program since 2003. This is a top-down type of program that supports international research projects with countries and in fields designated by MEXT on the basis of intergovernmental agreements, agreements at ministerial-level meetings, etc. JST has currently been conducting these Cooperative Programs with 22 countries and regions.
Auteur principal
Osamu Kobayashi
(Japan Science and Technology Agency)
Mutsuko Yasuda
(Japan Science and Technology Agency)