Christian COLLIEX
(Triangle de la Physique and CNRS)
A new experience in clustering teams of physicists: the “Triangle de la
Physique” South of Paris
Christian Colliex*, Elisabeth Bouchaud, Anna da Costa,
Triangle de la Physique, Les Algorithmes, F 91190 Saint Aubin, France
The Triangle de la Physique is an Advanced Research Cluster in Physics, from basic
to applied. Its ambition is to gather a group of laboratories, teams and researchers in
Physics, concentrated on the geographic Palaiseau-Orsay-Saclay triangle, around
specific themes, with a great structuring potential and beyond divisions due to their
membership to various organizations. To construct this project trough a collective
approach, open but controlled, the initiative Triangle de la Physique actually herds
scientists in the laboratories of Paris-Sud 11 University, CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique,
CEA, ONERA, IOTA, ENSTA and SUPELEC. It is based on large experimental
facilities (SOLEIL synchrotron, LLB neutron source, very high power lasers,
advanced electron microscopy) as well as on technological and computing platforms
recognized on a national and a European scales, which already are meeting points
for the community.
The Triangle de la Physique represents a permanent staff of more than 1000
members, whose excellence is no longer to prove, since already recognized by
numerous distinctions in France and abroad (among whom Albert Fert, Nobel
laureate in 2007, and Alain Aspect, Wolf Prize 2010), and by their foothold in national
and international major projects.
In order to improve the visibility and the attractiveness of this asset significantly on a
world perspective, it offers to work out a strong and widely interdisciplinary
partnership. It would like to give concrete expression to a worldwide leadership by its
size, its excellence, its diversity and, the coherence of its set of themes, and by its
ability to generate structuring projects beyond a mere association of already
established skills.
It gathers the physicists who study the intermediate organization levels of matter,
from the atom to the solid. They take part in research on a laboratory scale, but they
also use the large facilities of the Triangle. Concentrating and coordinating the efforts
in the fields of optics, dilute and condensed matter physics, complex systems,
nanophysics and statistical physics, the cluster offers to complete and balance the
entire continuum of support tools for Research and Innovation offered by the French
program-law for Research.
The great diversity of skills and means gathered around one directing theme, Physics,
is the guarantee of a profitable diffusion towards other connate disciplinary fields, life
or universe sciences for instance. The Triangle de la Physique Advanced Cluster has
now reached a state of maturity which allows it to welcome international collaborative
(1) see http://www.triangledelaphysique.fr
Auteur principal
Christian COLLIEX
(Triangle de la Physique and CNRS)
(Triangle de la Physique)
Elisabeth BOUCHAUD
(Triangle de la Physique and CEA)