24–26 mars 2010
Epochal Tsukuba
Fuseau horaire Asia/Tokyo

Physics and Astronomy with the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT)

Non programmé
Main Convention Hall (Epochal Tsukuba)

Main Convention Hall

Epochal Tsukuba

Tsukuba International Congress Center, 2-20-3,Takezono, Tsukuba,Ibaraki, 305-0032,Japan Tel: +81-29(861)0001 Fax: +81-29(861)1209


Prof. Masanori Iye (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)


TMT is the next generation ground-based telescope having a 30-meter diameter mirror. The first light of the telescope is planed in 2018. The telescope with adaptive optics will achieve much higher resolving power and sensitivity than those with currently largest telescopes. The targets of the telescope not only cover almost all fields of astronomy, but also extend to physics and biology by measuring the expansion of the Universe and investigating the atmospheres of extra-solar planets. TMT will be constructed by the collaboration between universities and institutes in USA, Canada and Asian countries including Japan. Technical and Scientific cooperation with European Extremely Large Telescope will open the new observational astronomy.

Auteur principal

Prof. Masanori Iye (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)


Prof. Hideki Takami (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) Dr Hiroshi Akitaya (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) Dr Jun Nishikawa (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) Dr Masatoshi Imanishi (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) Dr Naruhisa Takato (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) Dr Nobunari Kashikawa (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) M. Norio Ohshima (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) Dr Tadayuki Kodama (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) Prof. Takuya Yamashita (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) Dr Tomonori Usuda (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) Dr Toshiyuki Sasaki (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) Dr Wako Aoki (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)

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