24–26 mars 2010
Epochal Tsukuba
Fuseau horaire Asia/Tokyo

The SRF ERL Based FEL Test Facility at Peking University

Non programmé
Main Convention Hall (Epochal Tsukuba)

Main Convention Hall

Epochal Tsukuba

Tsukuba International Congress Center, 2-20-3,Takezono, Tsukuba,Ibaraki, 305-0032,Japan Tel: +81-29(861)0001 Fax: +81-29(861)1209


Prof. jia'er Chen (Institute of Heavy Ion Physics, Peking Universty)


Abstract: To provide coherent radiations, the construction of a SRF (Superconducting Radio Frequency) ERL (Energy Recovery Linac) test facility (PKU-SETF) was initiated by the PKU-SRF group in 2005 as a mid-term goal. The PKU-SETF consists of mainly a 5 MeV DC-SRF injector, a cryomodule of 9-cell TESLA cavity working at 2 K for accelerating electrons to 15-20 MeV and an energy recovery beam transport loop with two arcs, which is designed to match the main accelerator. An undulator and a chicane compressor are inserted in the loop to produce FEL with 4-8 micron wave length. The PKU-SETF will be implemented in 3 steps. For the first step, the 5 MeV beam from the DC-SRF injector will be injected directly to an undulator to produce THz radiation. After the main accelerator and the energy recovery loop being commissioned, an ERL-CBS (Compton Backscattering) device will be constructed to produce high flux X-ray of ~10 keV. Finally with an 11.5 m long optical cavity, the IR laser can be obtained. As a result, PKU-SETF will be able to provide users with various kinds of radiations according to their needs. To realize these goals, 2-cell, 3.5-cell and 9-cell TESLA type cavities, made of both large and fine grain Nb, have been developed at PKU. Accordingly cryomodule of DC-SRF injector and the main accelerator have been constructed. As the commissioning of the 2 K cryogenic system will be finished by the end of March, it is expected to get the 1st 5 MeV e-beam from the DC-SRF photo-injector by the end of this year. The layout of PKU-SETF and structures of the injector and main accelerator as well as main parts of the ERL ring will be presented.

Auteur principal

Prof. jia'er Chen (Institute of Heavy Ion Physics, Peking Universty)


Prof. Ke Xin Liu (Institute of Heavy Ion Physics, Peking Universty) Prof. Kui Zhao (Institute of Heavy Ion Physics, Peking Universty)

Documents de présentation