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The summit talks are upon invitation only, but you may become an active participant through the poster session. The poster session is an essential part of the summit as it will present in more details the potential cooperation projects and the main partners who will contribute to this cooperation endeavour.
The posters may belong to the following categories:
1. Scientific physics projects that would benefit from an enhanced Asia-Europe cooperation,
2. Physical societies, Academy of science and other organization representative of the physics community to present their activities and actions for international cooperation,
3. Government ministries, funding agencies and international organizations with emphasis on the funding programs and initiative supporting international collaborations,
4. Research centers/ laboratories,
5. Industrial partners,
6. Innovative projects or cooperation initiatives presented by individual researchers. Young scientists are welcome.
Instruction to submit poster is available at http://aseps.kek.jp/callforposter/index.html
Dead line of PDF file submission is 28 February, 2010
1. Scientific physics projects that would benefit from an enhanced Asia-Europe cooperation,
2. Physical societies, Academy of science and other organization representative of the physics community to present their activities and actions for international cooperation,
3. Government ministries, funding agencies and international organizations with emphasis on the funding programs and initiative supporting international collaborations,
4. Research centers/ laboratories,
5. Industrial partners,
6. Innovative projects or cooperation initiatives presented by individual researchers. Young scientists are welcome.
Instruction to submit poster is available at http://aseps.kek.jp/callforposter/index.html
Dead line of PDF file submission is 28 February, 2010