11–15 avr. 2022
Sorbonne U - Campus Pierre et Marie Curie
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris
Slides and video recording already available for most talks, see under "Contribution List"

Rank r DT theory from rank 1

Non programmé
Amphi Charpak (Sorbonne U - Campus Pierre et Marie Curie)

Amphi Charpak

Sorbonne U - Campus Pierre et Marie Curie

4 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris


Soheyla Feyzbakhsh (Imperial College London)


Fix a Calabi-Yau 3-fold X satisfying the Bogomolov-Gieseker conjecture of Bayer-Macr`i-Toda, such as the quintic 3-fold. After a brief introduction of weak Bridgeland stability conditions, I will describe work with Richard Thomas which expresses Joyce’s generalised DT invariants counting Gieseker semistable sheaves of any rank r on X in terms of those counting sheaves of rank 1. By the MNOP conjecture, the latter are determined by the Gromov-Witten invariants of X. Finally, I will show our result gives an explicit formula for rank r=0 or 2 when X is of Picard rank one.

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