17–23 oct. 2021
Village La Fayette - La Rochelle
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

How to study the location of the critical point in the phase diagram of nuclear matter with the event generator EPOS 4 ?

22 oct. 2021, 14:30
Village La Fayette - La Rochelle

Village La Fayette - La Rochelle

Avenue de Bourgogne, 17041 La Rochelle, France http://www.seminaire-conference-la-rochelle.org https://goo.gl/maps/c2X8hqd9maRShkCm8 The centre is located at about 5 km from the La Rochelle train station (Gare de La Rochelle) and at about 5 km from the La Rochelle airport (Aéroport de La Rochelle-Ile de Ré). The organization will provide a shuttle transportation from both the train station and the airport to the site in the evening of the first day, and from the site to the train station and the airport in the morning of the last day.
Hadronic Physics Hadronic Physics


Johannès Jahan (Subatech)


Within the framework of the exploration of the phase diagram of nuclear matter, the susceptibilities are useful tools to probe the existence of a 1st order phase transition and a possible critical endpoint. In this context, STAR collaboration recently published some results of variances and 2nd order susceptibility ratios for electric charge (Q), protons and kaons (the last 2 being used as proxies for baryonic number B and strangeness S).
Hence, we plan to simulate Au+Au collisions with the event generator EPOS, in order to reproduce STAR analyses, and especially study the impact of hadronisation process and hadronic cascades on those observables.
We show here our first results for some BES program reactions, obtained with a preliminary version of EPOS 4.

Auteurs principaux

Johannès Jahan (Subatech) klaus werner (univ nantes)


Tanguy Pierog (KIT, IKP) Maria Stefaniak (Warsaw University of Technology / Subatech)

Documents de présentation