WP2 fortnightly meeting

Xavier Espinal (CERN)
    • 11:00 11:10
      News 10m
      Orateurs: Rosie Bolton (Square Kilometre Array Organisation), Xavier Espinal (CERN)
      • ESCAPE General Assembly on 29 September, a one day meeting organised, possibility to be an hybrid event f2f and remote, possible location CERN or Amsterdam Airport
        • ESCAPE  Financial  reporting will be one of the main topics. Need reporting from Partners by WP and involvement in the activities. A template will be circulated by Project Management.
      • Data Lake Video/Webinar+Note with the goal to expose the ESCAPE Data Lake in a simple way, goal is to demystify complexity and have a reference where to point to (Ian/Xavi to start draft)
      • Several EOSC meetings last week and this week:
        • 11/06 ESFRI Science Clusters' Long Term Commitments to Open Science: 
        • 10/06 EOSC Future Kick-off
        • This week: EOSC Symposium 2021
          • https://www.eoscsecretariat.eu/news-opinion/take-part-eosc-symposium-2021-call-contributions.
            • ESCAPE joint 10' talk rather than the three proposed.
            • Tomorrow 17th June 14:25 – 15:30 Breakout Session 3: Interoperability challenges for thematic communities:
              • ESCAPE interoperability of data and services - Mark Allen, CNRS & ESCAPE
      • FENIX project (https://fenix-ri.eu/). Ian and myself representing ESCAPE in early discussions with the FENIX project.  They are interested in "partnering" with the Science Clusters in Europe.
        • Technical meeting next Monday to Address AAI (IAM as IdP) and FTS3 integration (swift) 
      • WP2 Main focus: DAC21. A special summer is next door. The different activity groups should set direction and pave the way this last weeks before vacation to start representative testing Sep/Oct/Nov for DAC21. Please keep involved our work package colleagues. DAC21 will be a common achievement:
        • WP3 (delivering of Software, calibration files, containers , etc, to compute facilities)
        • WP4 (HiPS storage endpoint)
        • WP5 (ESAPs integration)
      • Next WP2 meetings devoted to track status and address topics/issues from the three DAC21 activities
    • 11:10 11:11
      Activity-2: Multi-RUCIO, continuous testing and Monitoring 1m
      Orateurs: Agustin Bruzzese (PIC), Rizart Dona (CERN), Rosie Bolton (Square Kilometre Array Organisation)
    • 11:25 11:45
      Updates from DAC21 Activity Groups 20m
      Orateurs: M. Agustin Bruzzese (PIC), Andrea Ceccanti (INFN), Marek Szuba (GSI), Paul Millar (DESY), Dr Riccardo Di Maria (CERN), Rizart Dona (CERN), Rosie Bolton (Square Kilometre Array Organisation), Yan Grange (ASTRON, the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy), frederic gillardo
    • 11:50 11:55
      Depops hot topics 5m
      Orateur: Depops weekly chair
    • 11:55 12:00
      AOB 5m