WP2 fortnightly meeting

Xavier Espinal (CERN)
    • 11:00 11:10
      News 10m
      Orateurs: Rosie Bolton (Square Kilometre Array Organisation), Xavier Espinal (CERN)
      • ESCAPE Project Officer changed. New responsible added a new Reporting Period and a new Project Review
        • -new- Next Reporting Periodic RP2 in Jan 2022.  Project Review just after RP2 in Jan 2022
        • Reporting Periodic RP2 in Jan 2023. Project Review just after RP2 in Jan 2023
      • ESCAPE General Assembly on 29 September, a one day meeting organised, possibility to be an hybrid event (f2f and remote, to be seen) 
        • ESCAPE   Financial  reporting will be on of the main topics. Need reporting from Partners by WP and involvement in the activities. A template will be circulated by Project Management.
      • Data Lake Webinar (proposal from Giovanni). Goal is to explain what the ESCAPE Data Lake is through three steps: 1) idea/overview, 2) Technical introduction and a 3) use-case example.
        Cluster Position Statement - EOSC
      • DAC21 has been labeled as a global ESCAPE goal. Scope, timeline and outcome fitting project spirit and good driver towards EOSC-Future Science Projects, Again experiment engagement and ability for setting direction is fundamental, we are prototyping the infrastructure but ESFRIs are making use of it.
      • Need to strengthen the coordination across WPs and leadership on these activities. Good common point is the ESCAPE Technical Coordination (Ian) and probably need a periodical follow-up at this meeting.
        • WP3 (delivering of Software, calibration files, containers , etc, to compute facilities)
        • WP4 (HiPS storage endpoint)
        • WP5 (ESAPs integration)  
      • FENIX project (https://fenix-ri.eu/). Ian and myself representing ESCAPE in early discussions with the FENIX project.  They are interested in "partnering" with the Science Clusters in Europe. We had a close meeting yesterday to start working on the basic commonalities in the infrastructure to get some use cases started. Main items are 1) AAI  and 2) FTS/Swift guided transfers for data pre-placement and 3) software distribution possibilities (containers).
        • Possibility to get some resources in September. We need to identify an HPC use-case/workflow from one of more sciences in ESCAPE and prepare a letter of intent to formally ask for these resources (deadline 9th July). Please reflect on this and get back to Ian and myself, different possibilities can be considered for different workflow types and will be important to get the ball rolling with these HPC community that are intending to homogeneize the access and the usage for the different partners participating: JULICH, BSC, CINECA, CSCS, CSC, CEA and EBRAINS.  
      • EOSC Symposium  15-18 June 2021: https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/24327/ proposed talks for tech challenges:
        • WP2/Xavier 10/15-min   "ESCAPE Data Lake services and EOSC"
        • WP4/Mark 10/15-min "The  Astronomical Virtual Observatory and EOSC"
        • WP3/Tamal  3min "OSSR-A sustainable repository for software"    
        • WP5/John   3min "The ESCAPE ESFRI Science Analysis Platform"
    • 11:10 11:11
      Short updates from DAC21 Activities 1m
      Orateurs: M. Agustin Bruzzese (PIC), Andrea Ceccanti (INFN), Marek Szuba (GSI), Paul Millar (DESY), Dr Riccardo Di Maria (CERN), Rizart Dona (CERN), Rosie Bolton (Square Kilometre Array Organisation), Yan Grange (ASTRON, the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy), frederic gillardo
    • 11:50 11:55
      Depops hot topics 5m
      Orateur: Depops weekly chair
    • 11:55 12:00
      AOB 5m