Technical Coordination Meeting


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Topic: ESCAPE Technical Coordination

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Meeting ID: 954 2955 6769
Passcode: 115510


    • 10:00 10:05
      Introduction 5m
      Orateur: Ian Bird (LAPP)

      Some early EOSC-Future activities:

      - First SOB, and WP6 meetings held

      • main concern for us is need to have draft of TSP roadmap by end of May - in progress
      • also preamble for vacancy notices has been drafted - aim to hire people by October

      - First TCB held 

      • Lots of discussion over membership, balance between E-infrastructures & clusters, etc
      • Drafting terms of reference

      Sustainability of Clusters, including ESCAPE

      - workshop planned for 11 June

      - documents attached to the agenda (drafts)


    • 10:05 10:35
      Follow up on Use Case discussion 30m

      NB: Goal here is to understand what each of the ESCAPE ESFRIs will see as a positive outcome from ESCAPE.
      ESFRIs that did not present in earlier meeting

      • SKA,
      • CTA
      • ESO
      • EGO
      • EST
      Orateur: Ian Bird (LAPP)
    • 10:35 10:50
      Round Table 15m
    • 10:59 11:00
      AOB 1m
      • Next meeting ?

      • Items for future agendas