16–18 mars 2021
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Liste des Contributions

36 / 36
Nicolas Dagoneau (APC)
16/03/2021 14:00
M. Arnaud Raoux
16/03/2021 14:05
Oral presentation
Dr soufiya MIZANI (laboratory of condensed matter , Faculty of sciences Ben M’Sik . University Hassan II of Casablanca ,Maroc), Dr Hicham ZERRADI (1Laboratory of condensed matter, faculty of sciences Ben M‘sick (URAC.10). University Hassan II of Casablanca, Morocco), Prof. Aouatif DEZAIRI (1Laboratory of condensed matter, faculty of sciences Ben M‘sick (URAC.10). University Hassan II of Casablanca, Morocco)
16/03/2021 15:26

the Experimental and theoretical research related to improving the transfer of a number of authors
have carried out heat using nanoparticles and their results showed that the heat transfer of
nanofluids is very important in this context our work presents a critical model for improved heat
transfer This work is done on the basis of a 2D numerical dimension of heat transport models,