22–23 févr. 2010
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris
The workshop is intended to discuss informally various aspects of nuclear parton distribution functions (nPDF). Several topics could be discussed, in particular: * Current knowledge on nPDF, status on global fit analyses * Uncertainties and consequences on various observables (prompt photons, heavy quarkonia, jets, ...) * Future constraints on nPDF in p-A and A-A collisions at the LHC * Link between nPDF and saturation Ample time will be given for informal discussions. One of the goals of the workshop is to federate the activities of various groups in France. In particular it aims at enhancing exchanges between theorists and experimentalists on this topic. It is partly funded by the CNRS program "Projets Exploratoires Pluridisciplinaires - Physique Théorique et ses Interfaces" submitted by the organisers of the workshop.
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Auditorium M. Vivargent
9, chemin de Bellevue 74941 Annecy-le-Vieux France