The LISE beam line will host a campaign with the PARIS and EXOGAM2 gamma-ray detectors from March to June 2022. Two configurations can be envisaged, one with 4 PARIS clusters and 12 EXOGAM2, the other with 8 PARIS clusters (see the dedicated document related to the experimental setup in the section "documents"). This set-up can be used for nuclear, coulomb excitations or even transfer reactions of secondary beams. In addition to this, the ACTAR-TPC instrument, placed downstream of the PARIS-EXOGAM2 array, is planned to be used for another kind of reaction, using the same secondary beam.
You are encouraged to propose experiments in this campaign (that can be related to shell evolution, study of collective modes, halo nuclei, cluster or nuclear astrophysics) that we will discuss during a dedicated online a workshop on Feb 4-5th (shortly before the call for proposals at GANIL)
The links for the workshop are given below :
Topic: LISE Workshop & PARIS@GANIL2022 - Day 1
Time: Feb 4, 2021 09:00 AM Paris
Meeting ID: 838 2739 2118
Passcode: 688336
Topic: LISE Workshop & PARIS@GANIL2022 - Day 2
Time: Feb 5, 2021 09:00 AM Paris
Meeting ID: 823 4751 7591
Passcode: 026305