30–31 oct. 2009
Fuseau horaire US/Pacific
This meeting represents the kick-off of the B-Factory Legacy Project. This is the first joint meeting between members of BaBar, Belle, and the theory community. It will be the first opportunity for us to update the community on the progress that has been made so far with regard to ground work toward the legacy book. It will also serve as a forum for the initial discussion between section editors from both collaborations, and other willing contributors who have graciously come forward to volunteer effort for the book. In addition to discussing the interplay of the various sections of the book, there will be discussion on the practical issues of computing, and communication methods for the community as a whole. We look forward to seeing you all at this meeting, and hope you have a safe trip to SLAC. A phone connection will be arranged for all sessions.
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Redwood Conference room AB
Building 48