Geant4-DNA 2020 Collaboration Meeting


This year our annual collaboration meeting will take place remotely. 

We will focus the agenda mainly on discussions about on-going and expected developments. 

Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 824 4116 3858 
Passcode: TqD2tx 
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Meeting ID: 824 4116 3858 
Passcode: 008362 
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    • 1
      Welcome of participants
    • 2
      Overview of on-going activities and fundings
      Orateur: Sébastien Incerti (CNRS/IN2P3)
    • 3
      TOPASnBio news
      Orateur: Jan Schuemann
    • 4
      Contribution by CHUV & CENBG (F. Chappuis, L. Desorgher, H. Tran)
    • 5
      Contribution by IRSN (C. Villagrasa, Y. Perrot) & EURADOS news
    • 6
      Contribution by IPHC (Z. EL Bitar, Z. Alfaytarouni)
    • 7
      Contribution by Ioannina U. (I. Kyriakou et al.)
    • 8
      Contribution by NIRS (D. Sakata)
    • 9
      Contribution by KEK (S. Okada et al.)
    • 10
      Contribution by Wollongong U. (S. Guatelli)
    • 11
      Contribution by Sevilla U. (Damian, Miguel)
    • 12
      Contribution by Campinas U. (M. Bernal)
    • 13
      Contribution by SNUH (W.G. Shin)
    • 14
      Contribution by CRCT (M.C. Bordage)
    • 10:25
    • 15
      New collaboration member : S. Zein
    • 16
      New collaboration member : M. Dordevic
    • 17
      New collaboration members : C. Michelet & Z. Li
    • 18
      New collaboration members : G. Montarou, F. Martin
    • 19
      New collaboration members : G. Kagadis et al.

      George Kagadis, Patras U.
      Panos Papadimitroulas, Patras U.
      Konstatninos Chatzipapas, Patras U.
      Laurent Desorgher, CHUV
      Flore Chapuis, CHUV, PhD
      Milos Dordevic, Vinca
      Sara Zein, CENBG
      Zhuxin Li, CENBG, PhD
      Claire Michelet, CENBG
      Zeinab Alfaytarouni, IPHC, PhD
      Celebrity Groenendijk, TUDelt, PhD

    • 20
      GATE news
      Orateur: Lydia Maigne
    • 11:40
    • 21
      SC Meeting

      1) Revision of collaboration rules
      2) Review of existing and new members
      3) Election of spokesperson and deputy
      4) New actions
      - WP representatives & management/reporting
      - work progress reporting tool
      - CM and/or focus meetings frequency
      - closer collaboration with TOPASnBio
      - AOB